

【轉知】FIP webinar:Pharmacists in long-term care facilities: Before, during and after the pandemic

2021年7月6日 07:00 下午 台北
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As the global population continues to age, pharmacists' role in long term care and retirement homes will become increasingly more crucial. During the COVID-19 pandemic, with older persons being particularly vulnerable to the most severe forms of the disease, and often isolated from their families and loved ones, the care provided by long-term care facilities became all the more important to preserve health and well-being and prevent disease. This also raised the need to discuss the future role that pharmacists may play in supporting care and medication management in these facilities and to this particular population group.
1) Understanding the role that pharmacists play in medicine optimisation and reduction of medication-related harm in long-term care facilities
2) Understand the impact of the pandemic on the role of the pharmacists in long-term care
3) Discuss multidisciplinary synergies in the context of long-term care facilities
4) Identify changes in organisational culture of reducing psychotropic prescribing in long-term care facilities
-Robert Moss, President Hospital Pharmacy Section of the International Federation of Pharmacists, The Netherlands
- Tim Chen, President FIP Social and Administrative Pharmacy Section, Australia
- Anisa Shivji, Founder and CEO, RxVisit and Long term care expert, Canada
- Hui-Chen Su, Director Taiwan Society of Health-System Pharmacists (TSHP), China Taiwan
- Mouna Sawan, Researcher Centre for Medicine Use and Safety, Monash University Research Fellow, Australia
隨著全球人口持續老齡化,藥師在長期護理和養老院中的作用將變得越來越重要。在 COVID-19 大流行期間,老年人特別容易感染最嚴重的疾病,並且經常與家人和親人隔離,因此長照機構提供的護理對於保持健康和福祉以及預防疾病變得更加重要。緣此討論藥師在支持這些機構和特定人群的護理和藥物管理方面可能發揮的未來作用的必要性。
1) 了解藥師在長照機構中,藥物優化和減少藥物相關危害方面的作用
2) 了解大流行對藥師在長照機構中角色的影響
3) 在長照機構的背景下討論多學科協同作用
4) 確定在長照機構中減少精神科藥物處方之組織文化的變化 
-Robert Moss,荷蘭國際藥劑師聯合會醫院藥劑科主席
- Tim Chen,澳大利亞 FIP 社會和行政藥學部門總裁
- Anisa Shivji,加拿大 RxVisit 和長期護理專家的創始人兼首席執行官
- 臺灣臨床藥學會(TSHP) 蘇慧真理事,奇美醫院藥劑部部長
- Mouna Sawan,澳大利亞莫納什大學研究員,藥物使用和安全研究中心
