

The Effectiveness of a Multi-Interactive Teaching Module in the Teaching of Clinical Pharmacy Practice in Shanghai
多元互動教學、即時互動反饋、藥物治療管理、PCNE—藥物相關問題分類 系統、Multi-Interactive Teaching, Interactive Response, Medication Therapy Management, Pharmaceutical Care Network of Europe-Drug-Related Problems Classification System
鄭景耀Ching-Yao Cheng1,2 、郭澄Guo Cheng3 、葉明功Ming-Kung Yeh4 、王慧瑜Hue-Yu Wang5,6,*
1臺中榮民總醫院藥學部 、2中國醫藥大學藥學系 、3上海交通大學附屬第六人民醫院藥學部 、4國防醫學院藥學系 、5奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院藥劑部 、6嘉南藥理大學藥學系
目的: 設計多元互動教學模組並導入歐洲藥事照護網絡- 藥物相關問題(Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe-drug-related problems, PCNE-DRP) 分類系統與藥物治療管理 (medication therapy management, MTM) 之藥事照護服務,應用於上海市藥學會辦理的「藥學服務學習班」課程,並於課後評估學員學習成效與課程滿意度,以驗證此教學模組的成效。
方法:以課堂講授搭配工作坊方式進行,並以多元互動模式設計課程,採用問題搶答/即時獎勵、即時互動反饋與分組討論等三種模式進行MTM 與PCNE-DRP 應用之教學訓練,並透過智慧型手機進行課程互動與資訊化教學課程評估。蒐集人口學基本資料、MTM 與PCNE-DRP 課程經驗與執行意向、課程滿意度等數據進行成效統計分析。類別變項以Pearson’s chi-square 進行分析。p < 0.05 表示具顯著差異性。
結果:學員對於多元互動教學模組之課程內容能激發思考、能提升學習興趣者100% 表示同意,且97.9% 表示課程內容超乎預期。以案例測驗學員在發掘藥物相關問題、藥物治療專業知識、病人衛教與MTM 認知構面,除專業知識之答題正確率為55.73% 之外,其他皆高達95% 以上。
結論:本研究證實以成人教學法為基礎設計多元互動之教學模組,對短時間且欲達成教學目標者是有效率的教學方法。運用其8 個基本原則進行課程設計,由個人搶答、分組競賽與發表、課程滿意度與執行意向之分析,均獲得高度的肯定與評價。
Objective: We intended to design and evaluate a multi-interactive teaching module of pharmaceutical care, included Pharmaceutical Care Network of Europe-drug-related problems (PCNE-DRP) and medication therapy management (MTM), incorporated into a “Pharmacy Service Learning Program”. The program was organized and conducted by the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Association, and we evaluated its learning effectiveness and satisfaction.
Methods: The curriculum of the didactic course and workshop was designed according to the 8 principles of Andragogy. To teach the MTM and PCNE-DRP classification system, we used interactive modes such as question answering/instant reward, ZUVIO interactive response and group discussion. Information which included demographic data, MTM or PCNE-DRP curriculum experience, implementation intention and course satisfaction was collected for analysis based on feedbacks from
pharmacy learners in Shanghai. Categorical variables were analyzed using Pearson’s chi-square test with significant level set at p < 0.05.
Results: Learners 100% agreed on the following issues that the curriculum contents had stimulated their thinking and enhanced their interest of learning; 97.9% indicated the course contents had exceeded their expectations. In case tests, the correct answer rates of learners explored cognition dimensions of DRP, pharmaceutical knowledge, patient education and MTM all reached high levels of 95%; whereas that of the pharmaceutical knowledge was lower at 55.73%.
Conclusions: We found that andragogy-based curriculum design in the multiinteractive teaching had produced good feedbacks in terms of the satisfactory outcomes, group competitions and presentations, course satisfaction and implementation intentions. We concluded that the teaching method of multiinteractive curriculum could be effective for learners to reach short-term education goals.