

Value-Based Pharmaceutical Care
藥事照護、以價值為基礎、高價值照護、Pharmaceutical Care, Value-based, High-value Based Care
陳怡靜I-Chin Chen1 、梁雅惠Ya-Hui Liang1 、陳立奇Lih-Chi Chen1,*
傳統健康照護的重點在於提供健康服務項目的「量 (volume)」,但現在認為「健康照護的價值」,強調注重「成果 (outcomes)」及「品質 (quality)」。價值健康照護的重點是以病人或接受照護者端(及其家屬)的角度來評價醫療照護的品質與成果,非僅以專業照護者端的立場來論斷照護品質。並鼓勵醫療專業人員走出醫院、進入社區,提供以人為中心的高價值照護。高價值照護模式的特色,著重4P:個人化(personalized)、鼓勵參與 (participatory)、預測 (predictive)、預防受苦 (preventive);加強4C:重視溝通 (communication)、強化合作 (collaboration)、充分協調 (coordination)、具連續性 (continuity); 並強調4I: 整合 (integration)、創新 (innovation)、智能化(intelligence)、完整周全性 (integrity)。藥師身處醫療環境變革浪潮之中,勢必要掌握社區照護發展方向,貼近民眾及社區的需求,讓自己有感,才讓病人有感,提供以價值為基礎之藥事照護。

The traditional focus of health care is on the quantitative “volume” of health services. In recent days, the focus has shifted to emphasizing the “outcomes” and “quality” as “the value of health care”. When talking about the value of health care, it is important to note that the quality and the outcomes of medical care should also include evaluation from the perspective of the care receiving end including patients and their family members, not just from the point of view of the healthcare provider. To achieve such people-centered high-value health care, hospital medical professionals are encouraged to stepping out from their familiar hospital practice setting and reaching out to the community. The characteristics of the high-value based care model focus on “4P”, “4C” and “4I”. “4P” are personalized, participatory, predictive, and preventive. “4C” are: communication, collaboration, coordination, and continuity. “4I” are integration, innovation, intelligence, and integrity. In this wave of healthcare model revolution, pharmacists should master the direction of the community healthcare development and focus on the needs of patients and their supportive community. Through serving their needs, pharmacist will not only find professional fulfilment but also meet patients’ needs from their perspective thus provide the “valuebased” pharmaceutical care.