

Analysis of Antituberculous Agents-Induced Adverse Drug Reactions in a Hospital Center
抗結核藥物、藥物不良反應、Naranjo algorithm、antituberculous agents, adverse drug reactions
楊紫麟Tzu-Lin Yang* 、陳啟佑Chi-Yu Chen 、黃耀斌Yaw-Bin Huang 、廖芬芬Fen-Fen Liao
本研究之案例收集期間為自民國九十四年一月至九十七年十二月間,將通報至全國藥物不良反應通報中心之抗結核藥物不良反應案例,以敘述統計分析方式呈現通報個案之相關資料,共計94件。通報來源以護理人員為主。通報個案基本資料以男性及65歲以上為首要族群。不良反應以嚴重度屬中度與型態B之不良反應佔大多數。依Naranjo algorithm評分不良反應與藥品的相關性,以屬於「極有可能」最常見。通報次數排行第一的藥物是pyrazinamide;被通報的不良反應症狀包括皮膚紅疹搔癢、肝毒性、發燒、高尿酸血症、Stevens-Johnson syndrome等。

This study collected 94 cases of antituberculous agents-induced adverse drug reactions (ADR), which have been reported to the national reporting center of adverse drug reactions between January 2005 and December 2008. These records were analyzed by descriptive statistics.
Overall, nurses were the major ADR reporters. Male and patients older than 65 years old were the major groups in this study. The severity of ADR was mainly moderate, and type B events took the most part. Probable ADR were the most common ones when we estimated the probability of ADR by Naranjo algorithm. The most frequently suspicious medicine was pyrazinamide. Symptoms of ADR included skin rash, hepatotoxicity, fever, hyperuricemia, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome, etc.