

Acute Pancreatitis Treated With Octreotide in Children: A Case Report
兒童,急性胰臟炎,體抑素胜肽,Pediatric,Acute Pancreatitis,Octreotide
楊水河Shuei-He Yang1,* 、徐麗珍Li-Jen Hsu2 、徐雅玫Ya-Mei Hsu2 、簡素玉Su-Yu Chien2
1彰化基督教兒童醫院藥學部 、2彰化基督教醫院藥學部
兒童急性胰臟炎屬於急重症,臨床治療方式與成人急性胰臟炎相似,主要為支持性療法與處理併發症。Octreotide 可抑制胰臟酵素分泌進而降低全身發炎反應與併發症機率,文獻亦顯示具有治療急性胰臟炎的效果。本文報導一名12 歲嚴重急性胰臟炎男童以octreotide 治療的案例,並透過文獻回顧探討octreotide 於兒童急性胰臟炎的療效與安全性。
Pediatric acute pancreatitis is a critical illness; which therapy is similar to adult’s. The primary therapy for acute pancreatitis involves supportive care and management of complications. Octreotide inhibits secretion of pancreatic enzyme, which further decreases the systematic inflammatory reaction and complications of acute pancreatitis. There were literatures shown the efficacy of octreotide for acute pancreatitis. We report the case of a 12-year-old boy diagnosed with severe acute pancreatitis and treated with octreotide. Also, we review and discuss the efficacy and safety of octreotide in pediatric acute pancreatitis.