

Establishing a Web Search System of Herb-Drug Interaction to Improve Drug Safety
中西藥物交互作用、查詢系統、 用藥安全、herb-drug interactions, search system, drug safety
楊登傑Teng Chieh Yang1 、李華玉 Haw Yu Lee3 、蔡萬騰Wan Teng Tsai1 、王慧瑜Hue-Yu Wang2 、陳麗芳Agens LF. Chan2
1財團法人奇美醫院柳營分院藥劑科 、2財團法人奇美醫院藥劑部 、3財團法人奇美醫學院家醫科
背景:在台灣自行服用中藥非常的普遍, 且中國人普遍有「有病治病,無病 強身」及「中藥並無副作用」的錯 誤觀念,若病人同時服用西藥,則 中西藥交互作用常在不知不覺中發 生而互相影響療效,輕則導致藥品 失效而治療失敗,重則導致嚴重的 不良反應而有生命的危險。目前國 內並無中西藥交互作用查詢系統提 供醫師、中醫師、藥師等醫療人員 查詢,以預防因中西藥併服所引起 的不良反應或者是治療失敗。本研 究目的為建構中西藥交互作用線上 查詢系統,提供醫師、中醫師、藥 師等醫療人員來查詢二者間的交互 作用,達到預防中西藥交互作用引 起的不良反應或是治療失敗,進而 提升用藥安全及降低醫療成本。
方法:本研究利用醫療資訊技術,以建置 中西藥交互作用網路查詢系統以方 便中西醫師、藥師、護士迅速查詢 有關中西藥交互作用之相關資料, 並以問卷調查院內曾使用之中、西 醫師、藥師、護士有關系統提供中 西藥交互作用的即時性、可近性、 參考性及使用者之滿意度。
結果:建置中西藥交互作用資料共 730 筆, 於 2004 年 10 月建置完成,自 2004 年 10 月至 2005 年 8 月正式上線,供 門診醫囑與網頁線上查詢,依電腦計 算器統計,查詢人次共 3027 次,其 中醫囑系統直接連線使用者共 1974 次,網頁連結使用者 1053 次,查詢 人數分類統計分別為醫師 219 次、藥 師 394 次、其他醫療人員 65 次及民 眾 175 次,2006 年 5 月增至 6078 次。 問卷結果認為系統能即時提供中西 藥交互作用者為 74.3%,系統可近性 為 75.1%,內容具參考性為 70.74%, 整體滿意度為 92.8%,醫師認為可於 醫囑建置即時提示系統者為 80%,認 為對用藥安全有幫助者 87.55%。
結論:雖然具中西藥交互作用的藥物,確 實機轉仍待証實,然提供即時性之 中西藥交互作用查詢系統於本研究 初步探討結果認為具有參考性及幫 助提昇用藥安全。
It is quite common for people in Taiwan to administer herbal medicine because they believe that herbal medicine is safe and strengthens life. They also believe that herbal medicine will cause no harm. Therefore, herbs are often administered in combination with therapeutic drugs, raising the potential of herb-drug interactions. Many medicinal herbs and pharmaceutical drugs are therapeutic at one dose and toxic at another. Interactions between herbs and drugs may increase or decrease the pharmacological or toxicological effects, which may result in either treatment failures or life-threatening adverse drug reactions. At present, there are no web site search database of  herb-drug interactions available  to provide information regarding herb-drug interactions to professional practitioners (includes traditional practitioners), pharmacists and nurses. The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  develop  the herb-drug interaction web- based search system in order to provide an easy and quick information to practitioners, pharmacists, nurses and publics to  prevent adverse drug reactions or  treatment failures caused by herb-drug interactions.
High medical information technology was used to establish web search system of herb-drug interaction into our physician order entry system and on the homepage of pharmacy. We also conducted a quality survey with questionnaires to evaluate the response of visitors to the system, including accessibility, promptly, usability of contents. Total of 730 drug pairs with herb-drug interactions were collected in the web-based database. Total 3027 times of people visited the web-site. 1974 and 1053 times of people visited the  web-site through the physician order entry system and the homepage of pharmacy respectively. The categories and times of visitors were physicians (219 times), pharmacists (394 times), paramedical personnel( 65 times) and the publics(175 times). Responses rates to the quality survey  were  88.6%,  consisting  of  accessibility 75.1%, promptly of the system to provide information 74.3%, usability of contents 70.74%, overall satisfaction 92.8%. Only 9.7% of visitors showed that it is necessary to establish an alerting system into the physician order entrance system.87.5% showed  that  the  herb-drug  interaction web-site may help improve the drug safety. Although documented herb-drug interactions and mechanisms are sparse and uncertain, the results of  our  study  showed that  the establishment of herb-drug web-site is usability and may improve drug safety.