

Evaluation of Drug Therapy in Hualien Long Term Care Facilities
長期照顧機構;藥物治療評估;藥物適當性指標 、Long Term Care Facilities; Drug Regimen Review; Medication Appropriateness Index
鄭育宛Yu-Wan Cheng 、林木泉Mu-Chuan Lin 、連竟堯Ching-Yao Lien
Objectives: One of the critical components of promoting quality care in a long-term care facility is to conduct the appraisal of drug therapy services on a regular basis by pharmacists.  This research took six long-term care facilities in Hualian County as the study samples and examined their appropriateness of pharmacological treatments.  The results of this study will provide pharmacists a reference while serving in long-term care facilities.
Methods: Medication Appropriateness Index Scale was adopted while conducting retrospective drug regimen review.  There were 122 residents being interviewed and 228 examples of drug treatment being evaluated.
Results: Both 67 residents of hypertension and 35 residents of hyperglycemia were found to have no therapeutic duplication.  Eleven residents of hyperlipidemia were found to have no therapeutic duplication and correlation between drugs and diseases.  One hundred and fifteen residents of other diseases were found to have no remarkable correlations with 60% of the drugs.
Conclusions: When appraising resident’s medication, pharmacists should first start with recognizing diseases or the symptoms, and initiating effective communication with physicians.   In addition, in order to promote medication safety, pharmacists should initiate and provide education and training programs to caregivers, including family members of residents.
