

Medical Treatment of Crohn’s Disease
克隆氏症,5-ASA,Azathiopurine,Adalimumab,生物製劑、Crohn’s Disease, 5-ASA, Azathiopurine, Adalimumab, Biologic Agents
蘇俊中Chun Chung Su*
克隆氏症 (Crohn’s disease) 是一種病因不明的慢性發炎疾病,可侵犯所有消化道的任何部位。臨床上根據發生位置、疾病嚴重程度及治療目標來決定使用哪種藥物。在輕至中度病人,可使用抗發炎藥品、抗生素或口服類固醇;中至重度病人,可使用免疫調節劑或生物製劑。若單一治療方式無法緩解症狀,可考慮使用免疫調節劑合併生物製劑,但仍須更多大型臨床試驗證實療效及長期副作用的評估。

Crohn’s disease is chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology that affects any portion of the gastrointestinal tract. The choice of drug is depend on the location of disease, the severity of disease, and the goal of therapy. Anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and oral glucocorticoid can be treated in patients with mild to moderate disease. For moderate to severe disease, immunomodulators or biologic agents can be used.Consider to use combination therapy with immunomodulators and biologic agents if the severity of disease is
exacerbation. The long-term efficacy and side effects of combination therapy still be evaluated in large-scale clinical trial.