

The Role of Pharmacists in Improving Acute Angina Pectoris Management: A Review of Sublingual Nitroglycerin Patient Counseling
舌下硝化甘油、病患衛教、急性心絞痛、Sublingual Nitroglycerin, Patient Counseling, Acute Angina
潘韻婷Tina Yun-Ting Pan* 、王怡茹Yi-Zu Wang 、簡美如Mei-Ju Chien 、陳孟玉Meng-Yu Chen 、王明賢Ming-Shyan Wang
  依2013 年臺灣衛生福利部統計,冠狀動脈疾病是國人十大死因之一。冠狀動脈疾病之症狀中,又以心絞痛最為常見。當心絞痛發生時,病患可自行服用舌下硝化甘油緩解心絞痛導致的胸悶、胸痛。如果病患能正確的使用舌下硝化甘油,可減少心肌損傷並降低死亡率。然而,近期研究指出,多數病患對於舌下硝化甘油應如何正確且安全使用之認知不盡理想;再加上近幾年,我國與國際心臟協會對於心絞痛之治療準則有重大修正,因而造成專業醫療人員與病患的用藥困惑。本文為整理台灣心臟學會及國際心臟協會之治療準則,提供藥師有實證基礎且切合臺灣國人的建議,特別是針對舌下硝化甘油的正確使用方式,包括用法用量、時機、保存方式和可能產生之副作用等。

  In Taiwan, coronary artery disease was one of the top leading causes of death in 2013. Angina is the most common symptom of coronary heart disease. Sublingual nitroglycerin is commonly prescribed for self-administration on an as needed basis to alleviate chest pain caused by angina. When an acute angina attack occurs, it is imperative that patients use sublingual nitroglycerin correctly in order to minimize damages to the myocardium and reduce mortality. However, research has shown that patients’ level of knowledge on the proper and safe use of sublingual nitroglycerin is often suboptimal. Local and international cardiology societies have recently made modifications to their angina guideline recommendations causing some confusion among patients and health professionals. This article provides a comprehensive review of both local and international guidelines with the aim of assisting Taiwanese pharmacists in providing evidence-based instructions to their patients regarding the proper use of sublingual nitroglycerin, including its dosing, timing, storage and potential side effects.