

Pharmacologic Considerations in Pregnancy with COVID-19
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Pregnancy, Pharmacologic Consideration、新型冠狀病毒疾病、懷孕、用藥考量
陳立奇Lih-Chi Chen1,*
新型冠狀病毒(coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) 感染懷孕病人之用藥照護,攸關孕婦及胎兒之健康及用藥安全,是一個值得關注的重要議題。目前已知COVID-19 可能影響懷孕病人之常規使用藥物,包括用於胎兒肺成熟的皮質類固醇、用於胎兒神經保護和子癇預防治療的硫酸鎂、低劑量使用於預防胎盤相關併發症的aspirin、產後消炎鎮痛藥物,以及預防血栓的抗凝血藥物等,就現有臨床研究及治療經驗,尚可安全使用於新冠病毒感染病人,惟仍需更多研究資料持續追蹤觀察評估。COVID-19 懷孕病人之用藥考量,除了考慮一般懷孕婦女生理機能之改變外,還須審酌新型冠狀病毒感染嚴重程度及其合併症對於病人之影響,權衡懷孕婦女及其胎兒之利益風險,在懷孕用藥風險無虞前提下審慎用藥,以利安全合理之藥物治療。
Pharmacotherapy in pregnant patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a critical issue and is important to the health and drug safety of pregnant women and fetuses. Some clinical researches revealed the impact of COVID-19 on the use of routine medications in pregnant patients, such as antenatal corticosteroids, magnesium sulfate, low dose aspirin, postpartum non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and thromboprophylactic drugs. Based on current evidence, most of these might be used safely in pregnant patients with COVID-19. Meanwhile, more clinical trials and research data are still needed to be followed up. In consideration of medication for pregnant patients with COVID-19, in addition to the changes of physiological functions in pregnancy, the severity of the infection and the impact of comorbidities on the patient must also be considered. Accordingly, the benefits and risks of pregnant women and their fetuses must be weighed to facilitate safe and effective drug therapies for COVID-19 patients.
Summited for publication: 2021.7.2; Accepted for publication: 2021.8.31