

【原著】住院病人Warfarin 認知程度與藥師提供衛教滿意度研究
Assessment of Inpatient Anticoagulation Knowledge and Satisfaction of Patient Education Provided by Pharmacists
衛教、認知、滿意度、Warfarin、Patient Education, Knowledge, Satisfaction, Warfarin
陳宛伶Wan-Ling Chen 、段人偉Jen-Wei Duan 、劉玲妤Ling-Yu Liu*
目標:本研究針對使用Warfarin 之住院病人,進行認知程度測驗,藉以評估藥品衛教成效與藥師衛教滿意度。
方法:研究納入近3 年內未曾服用過Warfarin 的住院病人,首先由衛教藥師使用標準教材提供衛教,第二階段則於衛教結束三天內由另一名藥師藉由問卷評估病人對於arfarin 的認知程度及衛教滿意度。
結果:本研究共納入30 位病人,男女比17:13,平均年齡54.2 歲,其中大於60歲以上12 位,大專以下教育程度者19 位,所有病人皆能使用國語接受衛教及完成問卷評估,藥師進行第一次衛教所花費的平均時間為16.2 分鐘。研究結果顯示受試者在回答「藥品基本觀念」、「副作用」及「手術前注意事項」等面向問題時表現較佳,但對於「藥品使用」及「交互作用」兩面向的問題,則作答正確率較低。在五分制的滿意度調查方面,平均得分為4.6 分,顯示病人對現行衛教服務感到滿意。進一步分析影響認知程度的因子,舉凡病人年齡、衛教藥師經驗、衛教素材與衛教方式等均有相關。其中「藥品基本觀念」面向,在統計上與年齡呈現中度負相關(Spearman 相關係數為-0.45, p = 0.01)。
Objective: This study was focus on inpatients who are on warfarin therapy. Oral anticoagulation knowledge (OAK) tests were performed to evaluate patient education effectiveness and satisfaction of pharmacists.
Methods: This study enrolled patients who were not expose to warfarin in the past three years. Fist, one pharmacist would use standard material to educate them. Anotherpharmacist would visit the same patient within three days and use anonymous questionnaires to assess the patients’ knowledge of warfarin and their satisfaction of patient education.
Results: 30 patients were included, with 17 males, mean age 54.2 year old, and with 12 were above 60 years old. There were 19 patients’ education level were less than 12th grades. All patients could finish the education and assessment in Chinese language. On average pharmacists used 16.2 minutes to complete first encounter.The accuracy rate of OAK test were higher in “basic concepts of warfarin,” “adverse effects,” and “precautions related to operation.” Lower accuracy rate were observed in“usage of warfarin” and “drug-drug and drug-food interaction” category. The mean satisfaction score was 4.6 in 5 grade marking system, reflecting overall satisfaction in current education model. Age, counseling pharmacists’ experiences, materials and strategy used for counseling were all have impact on the accuracy rate. There appeared to be a moderate negative correlation between age and “basic concepts of warfarin” category (rs = -0.45, p = 0.01).
Conclusion: Increasing counseling frequency in special population will be necessary in order to enhance patients’ knowledge of warfarin.