

【病例報告】前列腺癌病患使用mitoxantrone引起 心衰竭之案例報告
Mitoxantrone-Associated Congestive Heart Failure in a Prostate Cancer Patient: A Case Report
mitoxantrone、心衰竭、前列腺 癌、mitoxantrone, congestive heart failure, prostate cancer.
陳儷佳Li-Chia Chen* 、曾敏傑Ming-Chieh Tseng 、曾碧萊Pi-Lai Tseng
癌症病患接受化學治療可能會增加心血管併發症的危險性,對於有心臟疾病病史者其危險性更大;曾報導過的嚴重心臟併發症包括:心律不整、心肌壞死造成擴張型心肌症、血管阻塞或血管痙攣造成心絞痛或心肌梗塞等。化學治療藥物會經由不同機轉導致心毒性,而anthracycline  類和其相關化合物,包括doxorubicin、daunorubicin、idarubicin、epirubicin  和  anthracenedione  衍 生 物mitoxantrone  是最常導致心毒性的化療藥,甚至會造成不可逆和致命性的心肌症。在臨床上有一些措施能減少心毒性的危險性,包括:(1)  改變藥物投予方式、(2)  改用結構類似物、(3)  調整藥物分 子 型 態 、 (4)   投 予 輔 助 治 療 藥 物dexrazoxane;但以上四種方法的效果並無法完全避免心肌症的發生,因此使用anthracyclines 藥物的病患仍需小心監測心臟功能才是理想防治之道。本文探討一 位 前 列 腺 癌 病 患 因 長 期 使 用mitoxantrone  治療,在停藥後造成心衰竭,最後不幸死亡的案例,藉此案例了解到使用具心毒性化學治療藥物需小心監測病患心臟功能,以期達理想化學治療的目標。
Cancer patients receiving certain chemotherapy agents have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular complications, and the risk is even greater if there is a known history of heart disease. Among the serious clinical cardiac complications that have been reported are arrhythmias, myocardial necrosis causing a dilated cardiomyopathy, and vasoocclusion or vasospasm resulting in angina or myocardial infarction. Chemotherapy agents can cause cardiotoxicity by a variety of mechanisms. The anthracyclines and related compounds (doxorubicin,daunorubicin, idarubicin, epirubicin, and the anthracenedione mitoxantrone) are the most frequently implicated agents and can cause an irreversible and sometimes fatal cardiomyopathy.This article is focus on a prostate cancer patient who received mitoxantrone therapy with an accumulative dose higher than usual recommended maximum dose and deid from congestive heart failure associated with mitoxantrone. And, in order to decrease the incidence of drug-induced congestive heart failure, it is recommended that left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) should be performed prior to initiation of therapy and do not administer mitoxantrone to patients with LVEF less than 50%, with a clinically significant reduction in LVEF, or to those with a cumulative lifetime dose of 140 mg/m2 or higher. Evaluations should be performed by echocardiogram or multi-gated radionuclide angiography. Monitoring of cardiac function including symptoms of congestive heart failure or cardiac arrhythmias prior to initiating therapy and during therapy is suggested.