

Oral Sodium Phosphate Induced Acute Phosphate Nephropathy
口服磷酸鈉、急性磷酸鹽腎病變、急性腎衰竭、Oral Sodium Phosphate, Acute Phosphate Nephropathy, Acute Kidney Injury
游松益Song-Yih Yu 、陳宗賢Tsung-Hsien Chen 、陳崇鈺Chung-Yu Chen*
口服胃腸道淨空劑為大腸鏡檢查前必須使用之藥品,口服胃腸道淨空劑中磷酸鈉製劑為最廣泛被使用之一。然而,磷酸鈉製劑上市後曾被報導過可能造成急性腎衰竭,此藥物不良反應稱之為急性磷酸鹽腎病變。目前國內外未針對口服磷酸鈉使用及禁忌症有統一規範及使用準則,而高風險及特殊族群病人仍有可能因使用口服磷酸鈉產生急性磷酸鹽腎病變。因此,本文主要針對口服磷酸鈉所造成急性磷酸鹽腎病變或急性腎衰竭之研究進行回顧。根據目前文獻指出,口服磷酸鈉相對於PEG(polyethylene glycol) 使用並不會顯著性增加急性磷酸鹽腎病變或急性腎衰竭之風險。另一方面,口服磷酸鈉不建議使用於高風險之病人(年紀較大或之前患有腎臟疾病之病人)。此外,於大腸鏡檢查前適當水分補充也能有效避免口服磷酸鈉所造成之急性磷酸鹽腎病變或急性腎衰竭。
Oral bowel-cleansing agents are used before colonoscopy, and oral laxative containing sodium phosphate (oral sodium phosphate, OSP) is one of the most widely used oral bowel-cleansing agents. Nevertheless, OSP-induced acute kidney injury (AKI) have been reported on post-marketing surveillance, and the adverse effects of AKI published are termed acute phosphate nephropathy (APhN). Till now, there is no criteria on the use of OSP in Taiwan and in other countries, therefore, high risk and specific population may expose to an increased risk of APhN. This article intended to review previous studies related to the APhN or AKI associated with OSP using. From current evidences, there is no significant difference in the risk of AKI or APhN between OSP and PEG (Polyethylene glycol) users. In order to prevent OSP-indcued AKI or APhN,OSP should be avoided in high-risk patients (elderly or patients with previous renal disease) and adequate hydration before colonscopy should be assured.