

【案例報告】使用 Atomoxetine 於注意力不足過動症患童病例報告
Applying Atomoxetine in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Child – Case Report
Atomoxetine、注意力不足過動症、兒童活動量表、Methylphenidate、SNAP-IV 問卷、ttention deficit hyperactivity disorder , SNAP-IV questionnaire,,child activity scale
陳惠文Hui-Wen Chen* 、陳惠明Hui-Ming Chen
1亞東紀念醫院 復健科 、2耕莘健康管理專科學校
注意力不足過動症在學齡孩童約 3-10%,由於注意力無法適當集中,導致學習障礙, 無法進一步發揮本身的長處,造成兒童自信心不足,進而影響人際關係,若無適當之治療 介入,其影響將延續至青少年及成人,至目前為止,注意力缺失過動症的成因仍未有定論, 故治療上也面臨了許多衝擊,一般來說,藥物治療、復健治療及行為治療是醫院可提供的 方法。
本文報告一位七歲注意力不足過動症男童,起初給予短效型 Methylphenidate(利他能, Ritalin )處方,但 出現嚴重的 噁心、嘔吐 、食慾不振 及睡眠障礙 ,繼而改用 長效 型 Methylphenidate(專思達,Concerta),但藥物引起之副作用仍很明顯,於是改用 Atomoxetine(思銳,Strattera)治療,患童同時於門診接受復健行為治療,三個月後其活動持續時間由 三分鐘進步至十五分鐘,精細動作穩定度及協調性改善,學習及認知發展能力亦進步許多, SNAP-IV 問卷分數由  75 分進步至 64 分,兒童活動量表分數由 128 分進步至 110 分,且服 用 Atomoxetine 三個月後患童無任何不適。
正確使用藥物治療可減低注意力不足過動症患者過動行為及注意力散漫的現象,並可 調整情緒上的衝動、改善人際關係,以及大幅提升學業或工作上的成就。

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are distracted easily, unable to sit still, overactive, lack of patience and concentration, and have short attention span. They can’t get along well with others and usually have learning disability and poor self-confidence. The traditional treatments of ADHD include medications, rehabilitation and behavior modification.
This is a case report of a seven years old male child under the impression of ADHD. At first, short acting Methylphenidate(Ritalin) was given for help. Unfortunately, he suffered from severe nausea, vomiting, sleep disorder and stop Ritalin. Then long acting Methylphenidate(Concerta) was prescribed, but he still felt very discomfort. Strattera is an atomoxine used in ADHD child who is poor tolerant to methylphenidate. After taking Atomoxine 3 months, the SNAP-IV questionnaire improved from 75 to 64 and child activity scale improved from 128 to 110. His fine motor, coordination, his learning ability and cognitive function are getting better. He was well tolerable with Atomoxine. Proper medications can reduce ADHD children’s hyperactivity and distraction, as well as emotional impulsive and poor relationship to peers. Proper medications also can improve in learning and work performance.