

Setting up an OSCE Model to Assess the Clinical Skills for Pharmacy Interns
OSCE、實習藥學生、評估、臨床技能、Assess, Clinical Skills, Pharmacy Interns
顏志和Chih-ho Yen* 、陳秀美Hsiu-Mei Chen 、劉媖媚Ying-Mei Liu 、吳明芬Ming-Fen Wu 、湯念湖Ni-Hu Tang 、鄭鴻基Huang-Chi Cheng 、陳本源Been-Yuan Chen
1台中榮民總醫院 藥劑部
目的:客觀結構化臨床測驗(objective structured clinical examination; OSCE)是一種以實作為主的評估工具,可加強以病人為導向之臨床藥學專業技能,因此我們嘗試建立一套OSCE模式,期望能客觀評估實習藥學生臨床技能的學習成效。

Objective: Currently, the tools used to evaluate pharmacy interns in Taiwan include written examinations, oral examinations and factual observations. As a performance-based tool, an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) has advantages over other forms of traditional assessment. Therefore, we set up an OSCE model to assess the clinical skills for pharmacy interns.
Methods: The pharmacy interns OSCE program was adopted from our Medical Department. After core-tutor meetings, we designed a blueprint through planning, creating and preparing. All students participated in the OSCE before the end of his/her intern course.
Results: A total of 49 pharmacy interns completed the OSCE in two stations (diabetics and the renal transplant patient education stations), on March 17, 18 and September 22, 2008, respectively. All students agreed that the OSCE enhanced their professional knowledge and clinical skills and 98% of students suggested that the OSCE should be used in all hospitals for the education of pharmacy interns. Additionally, the immediate feedback from the examiners allowed the students to realize their weaknesses and improved their clinical skills. Both students and tutors felt that they learned a lot from the interactive feedback model. 
Conclusions: This OSCE provides a good opportunity to assess students’ clinical competency. Pharmacy interns can acquire professional knowledge and clinical skills from the OSCE. Although the implementation of an OSCE requires a lot of support including staff, materials and time, we believe that it is worthwhile from an educational view point.