

Using Economic Evaluations to Select the Most Cost-Effective Drug Among Statins to Implement the Therapeutic Interchange Program
治療取代、血脂異常、statin、成本效果分析、健保資料庫、therapeutic interchange, dyslipidemia, statin, cost-effectiveness analysis, claim database analysis
溫婉婷Wan-Ting Wen1 、譚延輝Yen-Huei Tarn*2 、羅柏青Po-Ching Lo3,4 、李玟瑾Wen-Chin Li5
1林口長庚紀念醫院藥劑科 、2中華民國藥師公會全國聯合會藥事照護發展中心 、3財團法人醫藥品查驗中心醫藥科技評估組 、4國立陽明大學衛生福利研究所 、5三軍總醫院臨床藥學部
結果:成本分析的結果顯示,每人六個月門診平均總成本最低的是rosuvastatin(NT$6,850),最高的則是pravastatin(NT$9,078)。在療效數據方面,從納入的60篇文獻整合結果發現,於「降低LDL-C平均濃度百分比」這個療效指標上,效果最好的是rosuvastatin,最差的是fluvastatin。由成本效果分析之結果發現:與其他五個statins比較,rosuvastatin乃是效果最好且門診總成本最低(最佔優勢)的statin。Rosuvastatin相較於沒有治療,每讓一名病人多降低1% LDL-C平均濃度約需花費新台幣153元。

Purpose: To develop methodologies for selecting the most cost-effective statin among the statins which are therapeutically equivalent to use in the hospital setting.
Methods: The study used the cost-effectiveness analysis to compare the health care costs and effectiveness of the six statins and select the most cost-effective statin among the six statins. Direct medical costs were derived from BNHI claimed-database, including the cost of drugs, physician services, dispensing services and laboratory tests of the patients with mixed dyslipidemia or primary hypercholesterolemia. The time horizon is six months which starts from the first date of dispensing that single specific statin for the naïve patients. The effectiveness was derived from the systematic review of statins literature which was published by Oregon Health and Science University. Subsequently, the decision rule algorithm of cost-effectiveness analysis established by Karlsson and Johanesson was adopted to determine the best choice of statin(s).
Results: With respect to the cost, rosuvastatin had the lowest treatment cost of six months ambulatory care per patient (NT$6,850), whereas pravastatin had the highest (NT$9,078). Concerning the effectiveness, rosuvastatin was associated with the greatest effectiveness in terms of the reduction of LDL-C, whereas fluvastatin had the lowest effectiveness. In the base-case and sensitivity analysis, rosuvastatin dominate the other five statins. Compare to do-nothing, the incremental cost per additional 1% reduction in LDL-C was NT$153 for rosuvastatin.
Conclusion: The study has developed a method for selecting the most cost-effective drug among drugs which are therapeutically equivalent, and the result indicated rosuvastatin was the dominant option among the six statins. Meanwhile, we hope pharmacoeconomic information could be used in formulary decision-making process by P&T committee in the hospital setting, not only for minimizing the total health care cost but also for maximizing the aggregate effectiveness