

Hypersensitivity Reactions Associated with Total Parenteral Nutrition: A Case Report
全靜脈營養、過敏反應、綜合維他命製劑、Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), hypersensitivity, allergy, multivitamin
鄭玉琳Yu-lin Cheng1 、林梅芳 Mei-fang Lin1 、莊貴芬Guei-fen Juang2 、葉明倫Ming-lun Yeh3 、王義明Yi-ming Wang*4
1義大醫院 藥劑部 、2義大醫院護理部 、3義大醫院 小兒外科 、4義大醫院一般外科加護病房
本文將敘述因輸注TPN,對成份中之綜合維他命製劑產生過敏反應(hypersensitivity reaction)的案例報告。此42歲男性案例疑似對維他命製劑產生過敏,由於本院案例並無針對綜合維他命製劑的個別成分作測試,故無法得知本病人對綜合維他命中何項物質過敏。雖此為TPN治療中少見的併發症且多數皆為案例報告,但這對臨床醫師而言是一個很重要且急須處置的事件。藉此案例也提供臨床相關人員,輸注TPN所導致的併發症,不僅只有機械性、感染性與代謝性而已,可能還需考慮有過敏反應的產生。

Cases of allergic reactions to infusion of intravenous nutrition are rare. So far, none of certain studies regarding allergic reaction to specific formulation components in intravenous nutrition has been reported. The case describes a 42-year-old patient who suffered from a suspected hypersensitivity reaction to the multivitamin preparation following a total parenteral nutrition (TPN) infusion. It is not easy to conclude that this patient was allergic to which component in the multivitamin preparation since the individual components of multivitamin preparations have not been specifically tested. 
In all, studies regarding complications from TPN therapy might be rare, and most of them are case reports. In addition to mechanical, infections and metabolic complications, all relevant clinical personnel should consider hypersensitivity reaction as an important complication resulting from TPN infusion.