

【原著】癲癇病人使用valproic acid單一及合併用藥型態分析與血中濃度測定之相關性評估
Valproic acid medicine therapy efficiency and blood concentration level for epilepsy
癲癇、血中濃度監測、單一藥物治療、多重藥物治療、定義每日劑量、Epilepsy, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM), mono-therapy, combined therapy, defined daily doses (DDD)
周梅芳Mei-fang Chou 、葉明功Ming-kung Yeh* 、張澶榮Charn-Jung Chang
目標:癲癇是一種需要長時間照護的慢性神經疾病,本研究藉由評估使用valproic acidVAL)之情形,探討當癲獲得穩定控制時,年齡、性別等因子及單一治療、合併治療等不同治療策略與VAL使用劑量或血中濃度監測(TDM)結果之關係。
結果該年度連續使用VAL達半年以上之患者共211人,排除年齡<=18歲小兒患者後,符合有進行TDM納入本研究進行分析共計85人。分析結果顯示大多數癲癇患者使用VAL的每日處方劑量(prescribed daily dose, PDD)低於目前文獻所記載之定義每日劑量(defined daily doses, DDD),且患者進行VAL治療中病情穩定之濃度監測的結果並非完全介於建議濃度之間。在VAL的使用劑量上,男性顯著性高於女性,且成年男性合併其他抗癲癇藥使用之比例較高。

Purpose : This study was evaluated the valproic acid (VAL) prescribed doses, blood concentration levels and clinic therapeutic efficiency, under different patient subgroup factors such as genders and age effects.
Methods: A retrospective study was conducted at a medical center from January 2007 to December 2007. The stable epilepsy patients treated by VAL medicine and measured blood concentration were selected to analyzed.
Results: The VAL prescribed daily dose (PDD) was lower than the DDD for most cases. For PDD and combined therapy percentages, men’s group was significantly higher than that of female.
Conclusions: Although patients PDD and TDM results not well restricted in suggested normal range, epilepsy patients still under well control. Which mean the routine TDM for well- controlled epilepsy patients may need rethink about it.
