

To Evaluate the Efficacy and Rationality of Combination Tablet in Outpatients with Type II Diabetes at a Medical Center
第二型糖尿病、複方藥物、GlucoMet療效、用藥合理性、Type II diabetes, fix-dose combination, GlucoMed efficacy, Rationale in combination therapy
王心瑜Hsin Yu Wang* 、劉人瑋Jen-Wei Liu 、王春玉Chun-Yu Wang
1新光吳火獅紀念醫院 藥劑部
結果:研究區間以亂數抽取900位病患,刪除用藥記載不全樣本。共743位病患納入研究,其中157位病患為等量轉換至複方GlucoMet,且轉換前後有定期監測HbA1C值。其轉換為GlucoMet後達血糖治療目標比例為18.5%;HbA1C平均值為7.9±1.1% 。另針對12位初診斷糖尿病,其中1位病患服用前僅監測飯後血糖值,判定屬不合理處方;另68位原本使用單方降血糖藥物的病患,其中有4位病患轉換前之HbA1C值已達治療目標,醫師仍使用複方增加病患口服降血糖藥物種類,判定屬不合理處方。
結論:本研究中,157位病患等量轉換為GlucoMet後,達血糖治療目標比例為18.5%,相較於轉換前15.3% (P=0.652)未達統計上顯著差異;平均HbA1C值為7.9±1.1%,相較於轉換前8.1±1.2% (P=0.024)具有統計上顯著差異。

Background: This study was to investigate the efficacy of type II diabetes outpatients switched from co-administration of sulfonylurea and metformin to fixed-dose combination of glibenclamide and metformin (GlucoMet). Besides, for first diagnosed diabetic patients and who have received monotherapy, we assess the rationale for converting anti-diabetic drugs.
Methods: A retrospective chart review study of type 2 diabetes outpatients treated at a medical center was performed. We reviewed the medical records and recorded the dosage of the anti-diabetic drugs before and after switching to GlucoMet. For the first diagnosed diabetic patients and who have received monotherapy, we evaluated the timing of combination therapy.
Results: 743 patient records were identified and included in the analysis, 157 patients have taken the same dosage of sulfonylurea and metformin before and after switch to fixed-dose combination tablet and had greater reductions in HbA1C compared to sulfonylurea co-administered with metformin (7.9 ± 1.1 vs. 8.1 ± 1.2; P = 0.024). One of twelve new diagnosed diabetes patients received combination therapy without monitoring fasting blood glucose or HbA1C and was recognized as a drug-related problem needed intervention; 4 of the 68 patients who have received monotherapy had reached their treatment goals, however, GlucoMet was still prescribed for these patients.
Conclusions: Patients switched from co-administered sulfonylurea with metformin to GlucoMet experienced an overall mean decrease in HbA1C, and to reach treatment goals of blood glucose increased by 3.3%. After assessment, most of the prescriptions in this medical center are recognized as reasonable.