

【綜述】代謝性症候群(The metabolic syndrome)的藥物治療
Drug Therapy for Patients with the Metabolic Syndrome
代謝性症候群、胰島素拮抗、肥胖、 the metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance syndrome, obesity
陳琦華Chi-Hua Chen 、蔡春玉Chun-Yu Tsai 、鄧新棠Shin-Tarng Den
1林口長庚紀念醫院 藥劑部
代謝性症候群患者也就是胰島素拮抗者,由於會產生一連串與心臟血管疾病代償性代謝性問題,如高血壓、高胰島素血症(hyperinsulinemia)、高三酸甘油酯(hypertriglyceridemia)、小且緻密度高的低密度脂蛋白 (small dense LDL-C)、高凝血狀態(hypercoagulability),所以它也是發展成第二型糖尿病的主要危險群。肥胖,尤其是腹部肥胖者,這類族群最容易衍生為胰島素拮抗 (insulin resistance)情形,因此肥胖可視為代謝性症候群的重要指標。2001年美國膽固醇教育計劃 (NCEP) ATP III指出全美20-70歲的人口中約有23.7%的人口為代謝性症候群,所以NCEP ATP III特別針對代謝性症候群制定一套診斷標準,並且將代謝性症候群的治療視為處理心臟血管疾病危險因子的次要目標。
本篇特別針對代謝性症候群,探討它的的致病機轉、治療的目標、治療的方法及治療的藥物,包括statins, fibrates, ACE inhibitors, thiazolidinediones。
The metabolic syndrome, or insulin resistance syndrome, may cause serial problems of metabolism, which related to the cardiovascular diseases like hypertension, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, small-dense LDL-C, and hypercoagulability. People with obesity, especially the central obesity, are the potential group for insulin resistance. Therefore, obesity is regarded as the important index for metabolic syndrome. As indicated by the NCEP ATPIII in 2001, 23.7% of the population within 20 to 70 years old in USA has the metabolic syndrome. Since the metabolic syndrome is so important for atherosclerosis, NCEP ATPIII set up a standard for evaluation and screening. Moreover, they treat metabolic syndrome as the secondary target for the risk-factor management of cardiovascular diseases. 
This article is discussing the pathology, mechanism, treatment target and the evidence-based drug therapy for metabolic syndrome including statins, fibrates, ACE inhibitors and thiazolidinediones…etc.