

Update on Parkinson’s Disease
帕金森氏症、流行病學、病理變化、診斷、治療方法、Parkinson’s disease, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, updating treatments.
賴永昌Lai, Yung-Chang1 、陳玉蘭Chen, Yu-Lan*1 、賴婕瑄Lai, Jie-Shiuan2
1台灣中山醫學大學附設醫院藥劑科 、2台灣中山醫學大學附設醫院藥劑科藥物諮詢組 組長
    帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)是一種進行性的腦部神經元退化疾病。目前已知此疾病與基底神經節中之多巴胺(dopamine)濃度耗盡有關。其主要臨床症狀包括運動遲緩、姿勢平衡異常、肌肉僵硬以及顫抖等。

    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive and degenerative disorder of the brain, which is associated with depletion of dopamine levels within the basal ganglia. Its clinical manifestations include bradykinesia, postural imbalance, muscle rigidity and tremor. From the aspect of epidemiology, Parkinson’s disease is prevalent worldwide in the elderly. The incidence rises significantly in the age of seventies and eighties, and the mean age of onset is around 55 to 60 years. In Taiwan, the prevalence rate of PD for all age groups is 130.1 per 100,000 population, which is similar to those in Western countries. This may indicate that environmental factors are more important in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease. Due to the fact that the disease affects huge numbers of people and their quality of life, it is considered as one of the most important neuro-degenerative disorders in our society.
    With the development of new medicines and advances in biotechnology, people’s knowledge towards Parkinson’s disease has significant changes. A general understanding of Parkinson’s disease is crucial to primary health professionals practicing in medicines. Hence, this essay focuses on updating studies on causes of Parkinson’s disease in terms of genetic and environmental factors, pathological changes, diagnosis and treatments of Parkinson’s disease. A discussion on medication of Parkinson’s disease, in terms of advantages and disadvantages, is also included.