

Analyzing the Effectiveness of Pharmacists Participating in Heart Failure Post-Acute Care
心衰竭急性後期整合照護、左心室射出分率、指引導向藥物治療、用藥知識、Heart Failure Post-Acute Care, Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction, Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy, Medication Knowledge
楊詠淇Yong-Ci Yang1,2 、楊怡靜Yi-Ching Yang1,2 、陳西蕙Hsi-Hui Chen1,2,*  、謝永宏Yung-Hung Hsieh1,2
1光田醫療社團法人光田綜合醫院藥劑部 、2臺中市新藥師公會
目的:心衰竭(heart failure, HF)病人是發生藥品相關問題(drug-related problems)的高風險族群,應建立跨專業職類的急性後期醫療整合照護模式(post-acute care, PAC),本研究分析藥師參與HF-PAC 團隊之藥事服務成效。
方法:採前瞻性研究方法。藥事服務介入措施包括指引導向藥物治療(guideline directed medical therapy, GDMT)評估、處方適當性評估、用藥知識正確性評核、用藥衛教、追蹤藥物不良反應(adverse drug reaction, ADR)及左心室射出分率(left ventricular ejection fraction, LVEF)測量值等。
結果:納入本研究對象共61 人。出院後六個月仍然有87.3% 使用血管張力素轉換酶抑制劑/血管加壓素II 受體阻斷劑/血管張力素受體—腦啡肽酶抑制劑類藥品,80.9% 使用乙型阻斷劑(β-blocker)類藥品。藥師發現「嚴重及顯著」等級的藥物治療問題處方,即需要異動處方內容者共18 件,主要發生在出院前的評估階段,處方建議接受度100%。衛教後用藥知識正確性評核分數較衛教前增加2.7 分(p < 0.05)。研究區間共發生6 件ADR,經停藥或換藥後症狀皆改善。出院後六個月LVEF 整體平均提升12.0%(p < 0.05),LVEF ≥ 40% 由8 人增加為30 人。
結論:藥師參與HF-PAC 團隊,及時攔截不適當處方,加強病人的用藥衛教,不但有效提升用藥知識正確性,亦有助於增加醫囑的遵從性。

Objective: Heart failure (HF) is a high-risk group for drug-related problems. An interprofessional integrated care model should be developed. This study analyzed the effectiveness of pharmacist participation in the integrated care model of post-acute care HF (HF-PAC).
Methods: This was a prospective study. The intervention consisted of pharmaceutical services including assessment of guideline-directed medical therapy, prescription appropriateness, and medication knowledge. Medication education, adverse drug reaction (ADR), and measurement of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) were also provided.
Results: A total of 61 cases were included in this study. Six months after discharge, 87.3% still used angiotension-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotension II receptor blockers/angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor, and 80.9% used β-blockers. A total of 18 prescriptions were classified as “severe and significant”, and this mainly occurred in the stage before discharge. In these cases, the pharmacist’s recommendations were 100%. The patient’s medication knowledge score increased by 2.7 points after medication education (p < 0.05). A total of 6 cases of ADR occurred. The symptoms improved after withdrawing or changing the medication. Six months after discharge, the overall LVEF increased by an average of 12.0% (p < 0.05), and the number of patients with LVEF ≥ 40% increased from 8 to 30.
Conclusions: Pharmacist participation in the HF-PAC team prevented inappropriate prescriptions and strengthened medication education. The pharmacists not only improved patients’ medication knowledge but also increased medical adherence.

Summited for publication: 2020.12.7; Accepted for publication: 2021.3.16