

Acute amiodarone injection induced Hepatotoxicity and Hypothyroidism
急性注射 amiodarone 、肝臟毒性、甲狀腺機能低下、acute amiodarone injection , hepatotoxicity, hypothyroidism
謝慧貞Hsieh, H.-J.*1 、黃恆慶Huang,H.-C.2 、陳麗芳Chan,Agnes-LF.1
1奇美醫院 藥劑部 、2奇美醫院 加護醫學部
Amiodarone 為第三類抗心律不整的藥物。多數文獻提及 amiodarone 引發的肝臟和甲狀腺體的毒性多是屬於長期使用此藥物。有關於靜脈注射 amiodarone 引起的肝毒性和甲狀腺機能低下的案例卻很少。我們將討論一案例報告可能因急性注射amiodarone 後引起肝臟毒性和甲狀腺機能低下。

Amiodarone is a class III anti-arrhythmic. The liver and thyroid toxicities of amiodarone reported in most literature are mostly associated with the long-term use of this drug. There were few case reports on intravenous amiodarone induced hepatotoxicity and hypothyroidism. We discuss a case of hepatotoxicity and the hypothyroidism possibly induced by acute amiodarone injection. 