

Policy Communication Plans of Food and Drug Management
藥物食品管理、行銷、公民治理、巨量資料、Food And Drug Management, Marketing, Citizen Governance, Big Data
遲蘭慧Lan-Hui Chih* 、王兆儀Chao-Yi Wang 、黃維生Wei-Sheng Huang 、姜郁美Yu-Mei Chiang
保障民眾健康並健全藥物、食品、化粧品之安全品質管理體系,係衛生福利部食品藥物管理署之責任,同時以「藥求安全,食在安心」為使命,將傳統以「產品」管理為中心之概念,轉變成以「消費者」為中心之管理。而不論是有價的商品、健康知識的傳播、甚或政策的推廣,都需要透過有計畫且有效的行銷模式,並結合傳播過程的五要素 ( 傳播者、訊息、媒介、受傳播者及傳播效果) 才能成功。
The safety and quality of food, drugs, medical devices, and cosmetics are integral parts to promote the high standard of the national life style, health concerns and medical treatment. Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) provides a vigorous and comprehensive management system, serving it as a consumer protection for the safety and quality of TFDA-regulated products are intimately in people’s daily life and health. TFDA recognizes the importance of communicating effectively about TFDA-regulated products to achieve its mission of protecting and promoting the public health through integrated with well-planned marketing models.
The following strategic plans lay out TFDA role in communicating the risks of regulated products use and educate to different populations, it contains establish appropriate echanism to deliver information,build integrated resourcing database, cooperate with NGOs to share and discuss regulatory issues and publish information newsletters and journals to general public and health professionals.
In order to create a consumer environment where the population can be confident in “Food” and “Drugs”are safe, and educate the public about the appropriate use of regulated products, TFDA has to consider regarding public concerns points and attempt to fuse citizen governance concept and use big data analysis in the future. Education advocacy is a long-term commitment. Good information contributes to make good decision. How to let general public comprehend and support our regulatory and health concepts through appropriate communication strategies are our goals.