

【案例報告】腎移植後之藥物不良反應案例報告── Tacrolimus引起的禿髮
A Case Report of Adverse Drug Reaction after Renal Transplantation:Tacrolimus-associated with Alopecia
Tacrolimus、腎臟移植、禿髮、Tacrolimus, renal transplantation, alopecia
王慧瑜Hue-Yu Wang 、陳麗芳Agnes L.F. Chan
1奇美醫學中心 藥劑部

Cyclosporine (CyA) and tacrolimus (FK506) are the main immunosuppressive agents in the current solid organ transplantations, and their pharmacological effects and adverse effects are similar. The adverse effects of hirsutism in the CyA has already been reported and documented. The case report of FK506 induced alopecia is very rare. We reported case of alopecia induced by FK506 after renal transplantation and hair regrowth after the dosage were decreased. Besides, we emphasize the importance of role of pharmacists intervention regarding drug education for transplanted patients, especially for those with adverse drug reactions.