

【原著】新進醫院藥師之 OSCE 測驗結果評析
The Objective Structured Clinical Examination Result Analysis of New Hospital Pharmacists
客觀結構式臨床測驗、門診調劑服務訓練、回饋式測試、OSCE (objective structured clinical examination)、outpatient dispensing training、formative evaluation
王瑩玉Ying-Yue Wang1,2 、王森洤Shen-chuan Wang2 、王明淑Min-Shu Wang3 、許希賢Hsi-Hsien Hsu4 、陳漢湘Han-Hsiang Chen5 、林慶忠Ching-Chung Lin*6,7
1台北醫學大學藥學院 、2馬偕紀念醫院藥劑部 、3臨床技能訓練中心 、4臨床技能訓練中心、馬偕紀念醫院直腸外科 、5醫教部、馬偕紀念醫院腎臟內科 、6臨床技能訓練中心、OSCE 組、馬偕紀念醫院腸胃內科 、7馬偕醫護管理專科學校
目標:藥師的臨床技能需要被確實的教導與評量,而藥師客觀結構式臨床測驗(OSCE)是評量臨床技能的重要方法之一,且在美、加、英、日等國已執行多年。本院藥劑部想藉由OSCE,來了解新進藥師門診調劑以及與醫師、病人溝通之在職訓練成效,以便瞭解所 需加強訓練的重點與作業流程的修正。
方法:受測對象為  18  位新進藥師,根據門診藥事服務重點,設計六個測試站,包括處方審核、門診藥品交付、Fantanyl 貼片(transdermal therapeutic systems, TTS)領藥、糖尿病病人用藥諮詢、給錯藥處理及疑義處方處理。每個測試站  10  分鐘再依序轉到下一站測驗。依照評分表,含專業態度、專業知識、技能的流程執行步驟等評分項目與整體表現,由各站測試教師給予適當評分(很好 5 分、好 4 分、普通 3 分、待加強 2 分、差 1 分),以評估藥師對於門診藥事訓練的專業技能、溝通技巧及解決問題能力。
結果:在測試教師評核結果,18 名受試藥師皆通過。評分表中整體表現各測試站「好」以上者, 處方審核有 17 位(94%)、門診藥品交付 10 位(56%)、Fentanyl TTS 領藥 6 位(67%)、糖尿病病人用藥諮詢 12 位(67%)、給錯藥處理 3 位(17%)、疑義處方處理 3 位(17%)。在問卷調查結果,測試教師與受試藥師都同意測試主題具有實用性及對執業有幫助。
結論:缺乏良好的溝通技巧去處理給錯藥或疑義處方,是目前新進藥師訓練較為不足的地方。我們將溝通技巧列入藥事作業核心課程。用 OSCE  來評量新進藥師的知識、技能及態度, 可以作為新進藥師教學輔導的重要參考。
Objective: The clinical skills of pharmacists require accurate guidance and evaluation. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for pharmacist is one of important tools to evaluate the clinical skill and ability and has been carried out in U.S., Canada, U.K. and Japan for many years. We evaluated the outcome of our on-job outpatient dispensing training program for new pharmacists by OSCE, and understood the core process of the training to be strengthened and the operation process to be revised.
Methods: 18 new pharmacists are as examinee. Based on outpatient services key points, we designed 6 workstations, including: prescription verification, outpatient prescription dispensing, Fantanyl transdermal therapeutic systems (TTS) dispensing, diabetes mellitus patient consultation on diabetic drugs, wrong medicine processing and questionable prescription processing.10 minutes for each workstation, then move to the next workstation. According to the evaluation sheet, including the professional manner, the professional knowledge, the operational skill and the overall performance, the instructor at each workstation will evaluate the clinical competence, communication skill and problem solving ability of each examinee in outpatient services and grades appropriate score based on the clinical examination checklist, in a scale of excellent 5, good 4, ordinary (common) 3, need to improvement 2, and bad 1.
Results: All new pharmacists passed by the instructor’s appraisal. The number of examinee (%) obtained “good” score or above are listed as follows: prescription verification 17 (94%), outpatient drug issue 10 (56%), Fentanyl TTS issue 6 (67%), diabetes mellitus patient consultation on diabetic drugs 12 (67%), wrong medicine processing 3 (17%), and questionable prescription processing 3 (17%). Both instructors and new pharmacists agreed with the practicability of each workstation and usefulness in clinical performance.
Conclusion: Good communication skill to process wrong medicine and questionable prescription is the most inadequate in new pharmacist training program which requires the most improvement. We can incorporate communication skill into the core training program. Through OSCE, it is possible for us to evaluate the clinical competence, skill, and attitude of the new pharmacists, and use the evaluation as an important reference in new pharmacist training program.