

Efficacy and Safety of Oseltamivir and Peramivir in Hospitalized Patients With Influenza
吳佩霖Pei-Lin Wu1,* 、石成展Cheng-Chan Shih2
1台南市立醫院(委託秀傳醫療社團法人經營)藥劑科 、2臺南市政府衛生局心理健康科
目的:Oseltamivir 和 peramivir 為治療流行性感冒(簡稱流感)的神經胺酸酶抑 制劑 (neuraminidase inhibitors, NAIs),peramivir 早期為疾病管制署專案採購,提供 特殊病患使用,使用經驗有限。因此,本研究的目的為探討因流感的住院病患,使用 oseltamivir 和 peravimir 之療效與安全性。 方法:回溯性收集 2017 年間,經流感篩檢確診為 A 型或 B 型流感,且收治住院 並使用抗流感藥物之成人患者,以病歷回顧方式,記錄患者的臨床表徵與藥物使用劑 量、天數。療效以患者的退燒時間 (defervescence) 為評估指標,定義為有無使用退 燒藥物的情況下,病患體溫 ≤ 37.2°C 至少 48 小時的時間;安全性則記錄使用藥物期 間之相關藥物不良反應與併發症。 結果:共收納63 位患者,其中43 位使用oseltamivir、20 位為使用peramivir。 Peramivir 組別的平均退燒時間為27.9 小時、oseltamivir 組別為34.0 小時,前者雖 然退燒時間較短,但無統計上的差異。使用 oseltamivir 和 peramivir 的患者不良反應 發生率分別為11.6和 20.0%,所有的副作用皆屬輕微,因此沒有患者因而停止用藥; 2 組別的死亡率也沒有差異。 結論:Oseltamivir 與 peramivir 治療流感的療效相當,若以標準治療劑量用法計 算,完成治療的藥費以oseltamivir 較低,因此建議可優先選用oseltamivir。但若為高風險族群或口服吸收不佳患者,peramivir 為另一用藥選擇,以確保藥物可完全被 吸收而發揮抗病毒的效力。
Objective: Oseltamivir and peramivir are neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) that are used to treat influenza. However, the difference between the effects of these two drugs remains unclear because peramivir has been used in only a limited number of cases in Taiwan. This study aims to retrospectively assess the efficacy and safety of peramivir and oseltamivir in hospitalized patients with acute influenza infection. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted with hospitalized patients who were diagnosed with type A or type B influenza and treated with either oseltamivir or peramivir during 2017. The data collected were clinical presentation and usage of medication. The efficacy of the drugs was evaluated based on the time to defervescence. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs), complications, and mortality during the treatment were also recorded. Results: Sixty-three patients were enrolled, comprising 43 and 20 patients in the oseltamivir and peramivir groups, respectively. The median time to defervescence was 27.9 and 34.0 h in the peramivir and oseltamivir groups; the difference was not statistically significant. ADRs associated with oseltamivir and peramivir occurred in 11.6 and 20.0% of patients, respectively; however, the severity was mild in all cases. There was no significant difference in mortality between the two groups. Conclusions: Both peramivir and oseltamivir have similar clinical efficacies in treating influenza. Oseltamivir has been suggested as the standard treatment for influenza because of its lower cost. Intravenous administration of peramivir can be another treatment option for patients with serious complications or malabsorption, ensuring complete absorption of the antiviral agent. 