

Azathioprine Induced Pancytopenia: An Adverse Drug Reaction Case Report
Azathioprine、泛血球減少症、紅斑性狼瘡、Pancytopenia, Systemic lupus erythematosus
黃淑雯Shu-Wen Huang* 、陳佳南Chian-Nan Chen 、林慧娟Hui-Chuan Lin 、張其純Chi-Chun Chang
1嘉義基督教醫院 藥劑科
本文將探討一位全身性紅斑性狼瘡病患服用azathioprine 導致泛血球減少症之個案。病患在使用azathioprine六天後其白血球、紅血球及血小板之數值,即有逐漸下降之趨勢,且在停藥一週後,情況更加惡化,隨後介入治療,並於停藥兩週後情況好轉。

Azathioprine, an immunosuppressant antimetabolite, is frequently used to treat systemic lupus erythematosus, severe rheumatoid arthritis and prevent rejection of renal transplant. Therapeutic use of azathioprine may be associated with a dose-related, generally reversible, depression of bone marrow function, most frequently expressed as leukopenia (renal transplant: >50%; RA: 28%), but also sometimes as anemia and thrombocytopenia. The incidence of pancytopenia was less than 1%.
We described a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus who developed pancytopenia while receiving azathioprine 50mg daily. She had been treated with azathioprine for six days. Unfortunately, 6 days later, her complete blood counts decreased gradually. A week after discontinuation of azathioprine, the condition took a change for the worse. The counts of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets returned to normal in two weeks after discontinuation of azathioprine by supportive care.
This article discussed the pathology, mechanism and treatment by describing a case of azathioprine-induced pancytopenia and conducting a review of the literatures. In order to ensure patients’ drug safety, when azathioprine is prescribed, close clinical and laboratory monitoring are necessary.