

Adult Onset Still’s Disease – A Case Report
成人型史迪爾症候群、間歇性 高燒、皮膚紅疹、關節痛、喉 嚨痛、Adult onset Still’s disease, spiking fever, skin rash, arthralgia, sore throat
沈玫秋Mei-Chiou Shen 、許郁笙Yu-Sheng Hsu 、陳素惠Su-Hwei Chen
1高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院 藥劑部
成人型史迪爾症候群(Adult   OnsetStill’s  Disease, AOSD)是一種原因不明的發炎性免疫疾病,臨床常以間歇性高 燒伴隨短暫皮疹、關節痛、喉嚨痛、肌肉酸痛、及淋巴結病變或肝脾腫大為主要表現 。實驗室檢查可發現白血球上升、紅血球沉降速率上升、血清鐵蛋白 增加、肝指數上升、貧血、類風濕性因子及抗核抗體均呈陰性等,診斷上須先排除其他疾病,包括感染、腫瘤及其他 自體免疫疾病。本案例即報告一名 42 歲男性,其臨床症狀與實驗值檢測皆與 上述診斷條件相符合。在初步排除其他 疾病後,診斷為AOSD,經給予NSAIDs 及類固醇治療後,症狀已獲得初步緩解 且病人持續在門診追蹤。
Adult onset Still’s disease (AOSD) is an inflammatory disorder characterized by daily spiking high fevers with an evanescent rash, arthritis,and sore throat.The laboratory features of AOSD include leukocytosis, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) elevation, hyperferritinemia, anemia, negative tests for antinuclear antibody and rheumatoid factor, and abnormal liver function studies.To establish a diagnosis of AOSD requires the presence of certain major or minor criteria or a combination of both and the absence of certain exclusions such as infection, malignancy, particularly lymphoma and other rheumatic diseases.This case was a 42-year-old man, who presented typically manifesations of AOSD and the laboratory findings met the criteria described as above. After treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and steroids,the spiking fever and other systemic symptoms were alleviated.

