加護病房(intensive care unit, ICU)中充斥著病情變化快速的重症病人,醫療人員往往需要在短時間內熟悉工作內容且做出對於病人最有利的評估與判斷。在ICU 內工作的藥師需要一個易於記憶、標準化且能完整引導出工作職責與病人照護內容的口訣,使藥事服務的進行更加順利。PHARMACIST(Patient visiting, High alert medications, Antimicrobial stewardship, medication Reconciliation, Monitoring, dose Adjustments, Compatibilities, drug-drug Interactions, Start and Stop, medication appropriated for Tube feeding)便是依此目標而研創出的助記口訣,濃縮了藥事照護精髓,提醒藥師每天應該對病人進行或整體評估的事項,可以作為工作時的輔助,藉由每一次檢視各項元素以提高工作效率,確保服務的一致性並降低心理壓力,提供ICU 醫療團隊更佳的照護品質。
The intensive care unit (ICU) typically contains critically ill patients with rapidly changing conditions. Medical personnel must timely familiarize themselves with the patients’ conditions and make the most favorable assessment and decision for the patients possible. Pharmacists require an easily recalled, standardized, and fully guidable mnemonic to provide pharmaceutical services to the ICU medical team. To satisfy this requirement, we created a mnemonic called PHARMACIST (Patient visiting, High-alert medications, Antimicrobial stewardship, medication Reconciliation, Monitoring, dose Adjustments, Compatibilities, drug–drug Interactions, Start and Stop, medication appropriated for Tube feeding). The mnemonic integrates all the aspects of focus for pharmacists’ clarification of the ICU’s complex and dynamic drugrelated problems. Regularly reviewing these components may enhance efficiency, safety, and quality of care. PHARMACIST can offer numerous advantages and could become the basis of daily working protocols for pharmacists in the ICU.
Summited for publication: 2021.2.22; Accepted for publication: 2021.4.22