

A Case Report of Methotrexate Dosage Error for an Ectopic Pregnancy
Methotrexate (MTX)、異位性妊娠、Methotrexate (MTX), Ectopic Pregnancy
顏妙如Miao-Ju Yen1 、曾泰霖Tai-Lin Tseng1 、林宜靜Yi-Ching Lin1 、郭嘉翎Chia-Ling Kuo*1.2
1高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院藥劑部 、2高雄醫學大學藥學院藥學系
異位性妊娠(又稱子宮外孕),是指胚胎沒有正常的在子宮腔內著床發育。異位性妊娠的胚胎除了因為發育的位置不恰當,所以無法健康成長,同時繼續妊娠亦會引起母體的病變及傷害,甚至造成母體死亡,所以異位性妊娠通常會在醫師的建議下終止懷孕。本案例為29 歲異位性妊娠女性,由於人員將手寫醫令輸入電子醫令的失誤,誤將methotrexate (MTX) 50 mg IM 開立成1 mg。再次回診時發現醫令錯誤,經處置正確治療劑量後,經過四星期的追蹤,患者之血中β-hCG 數值已由6920 mIU/mL 降至67 mIU/mL,呈現持續下降,成功終止懷孕。
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized ovum implants outside the normal uterine cavity. It is a common cause of morbidity and occasionally of mortality in women of reproductive age. A case of 29-yearold women with ectopic pregnancy was treated with methotrexate (MTX) 1 mg IM. On her next return for following up in clinic, the mistake of dosage was found. MTX in single dose intramuscular regimen (50 mg)was given again and the serum β-hCG successfully declined to 67  IU/mL in four weeks. The pregnancy was successfully ceased.
MTX is a cytotoxic chemotherapy agent. The dosage should be extremely concerned for the safety when it is used in a patient with ectopic pregnancy. This case report discussed the medication error and the management of ectopic pregnancy.