

Quantitative Analysis of Factors Associated with Polypharmacy in Home-Visit Cases
居家,老人,多重用藥,每日藥量、Home Visit, Elderly, Polypharmacy, Daily Drug Amount
吳儀蓁Yi-Chen Wu1 、葉馨智Whing-Chih Yeh1 、林依儂Yi-Nung Lin1 、樓亞洲Yea-Jou Lou1 、陳怡靜I-Chin Chen2,3 、陳立奇Lih-Chi Chen2,3,4,5,*
1臺北市立聯合醫院和平婦幼院區藥劑科 、2臺北市立聯合醫院藥劑部 、3臺北市立聯合醫院跨醫事領域發展中心 、4國立聯合大學通識教育中心 、5臺北醫學大學藥學院
方法:本計畫為結合本院「醫院型家庭責任醫師制度試辦計畫 執行之前瞻性研究,由居家訪視藥師紀錄評估病人用藥清單,計算病人之每日用藥頻次及顆數,以量化的方式計算藥品總量後,分析相關因素如性別、年齡等,評估是否為影響多重用藥之因子。
結果:結果發現有顯著影響用藥總量之項目包括:失智症嚴重程度評估是否大於2 分、是否患有心臟病及藥品項目數。無顯著性者包括:高血壓、腦血管疾病、教育程度等。

Objectives: Our hospital has established an interdisciplinary medical team, including doctors, pharmacists, dietitians and social workers in order to provide continuous home care for elderly patients. Pharmacist's role is to strengthen pharmaceutical home care. Prescription evaluation, adverse drug reaction (ADR), and other medication-related problems will be examined during pharmacist pharmaceutical home care.
Methods: The study collaborated with family physician system and communityintegrated health care. Patient's daily medication-taking frequency and drug amount are recorded during pharmaceutical home care. Analysis with patient's gender, age, education level or the disease types etc., were used to find out the main factors associated with polypharmacy.
Results: It was found that dementia severity and with/without heart disease shows a significant impact on patient's daily medication-taking amount. Others such as hypertension, cerebral vascular disease, or patient's gender, education level show no influence on polypharmacy.
Conclusions: Polypharmacy in elderly patients might increase the risks of ADR and lower the medication compliance. Dementia severity and heart disease have the association with daily drug amount, the relationship will be further studied.