

Are β-Blockers Contraindicated in Treating Heart Failure Patients with Coexisting Chronic Airway Diseases? - A Case Study and Literature Review
心衰竭、慢性阻塞性肺病、氣 喘、beta-blocker、 heart failure, COPD, asthma, beta-blocker
張秀美Hsiu-Mei Chang 、陳秀珊Hsiu-Shan Chen
1高雄市立小港醫院(委託高雄醫學大學經營) 藥劑科
老年病患常見有心衰竭合併慢性呼吸道疾病(如:慢性阻塞性肺病、氣喘); 雖然β-blockers 類藥物已被證實可改善心衰竭疾病的住院率與死亡率,但因其基本藥理作用有拮抗支氣管擴張的效果,因此被列為呼吸道疾病患者的禁忌使用藥物。為運用目前最佳的β-blockers 實證資料於臨床個案上,本研究以預設的關鍵詞搜尋電子資料庫進行文獻檢索,並評讀隨機雙盲試驗、系統性回顧或統合分析資料中有關心衰竭併有呼吸 道疾病的患者使用β-blockers之呼吸道不良反應;評估指標為肺功能參數(如:FEV1)及呼吸道症狀研究結果顯具心臟選性的β-blockers 在心血管疾病合併慢性呼吸道疾病患者使用並不會惡化呼吸道症狀,且兼具心血管疾病治療益處。至於急性惡化期的呼吸道疾病患者 ,目前則尚無研究評估β-blockers 之使用效益。因此,研究結果推論使β-blockers 於心衰合併非急性惡化之呼吸道疾患者,應是有效且安全的, 因目前並無證據顯示相關的使用禁忌。本文亦例舉一案例,並依實證資料對其用藥提出建議以供參考。
Chronic air way diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, are the common co-morbidities to elderly patients with heart  failure  (HF).Although β-blockers have been proved to significantly reduce the hospitalizations and mortality causing by chronic HF, they are considered being contraindicated to patients with chronic airway diseases due to their counteracting effects on bronchus’ dilatation.
To apply the best current evidence of using β-blockers  to  a  clinical case,  we  conducted  a review using defined key words for electronic database search. Randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews or meta-analysis which examined respiratory adverse effects of β-blockers on HF patients with chronic airway diseases were included in our review. Pulmonary function parameters (e.g. FEV1) and respiratory symptoms were summarized from retrieved studies.
The results demonstrate that cardio-selective β-blockers remain beneficial to cardiovascular (CV) diseases patients with chronic airway diseases  without increasing adverse respiratory effects. However, there is no study to assess the respiratory effects of β-blockers on CV diseases patients with acute exacerbation of airway diseases. Overall, β-blockers  may be  generally effective and safe to treat heart failure in patients with stable chronic airway diseases, and there is no evidence to support the contraindication. We therefore  made  some  recommendations on  the drugs usage of this clinical case.

