

【病例報告】萊姆病 ─ 案例報告
Lyme Disease ─ Case Report
萊姆病、Lyme borreliosis、移位性皮膚紅斑、神經性螺旋體症、Lyme, Lyme borreliosis, erythema migrans, LB, EM
潘承中Cheng-Chung Pan 、陳順勝Shun-Sheng Chen 、李炳鈺Ping-Yu Lee 、戴慶玲Ching-Ling Tai
1高雄長庚醫院 藥劑科 、2長庚大學醫學院 、3高雄長庚醫院神經內科系
萊姆病是一種經帶有螺旋體的蜱蟲(tick)(或俗稱壁蝨)叮咬而傳播的感染性螺旋體症(borreliosis),此種疾病的臨床徵候:其特徵擴及皮膚,首先以“移位性皮膚紅疹”(erythema migrans: EM)來表現,屬感染初期-局部性感染期(stage 1, localized infection);但經過數天甚或幾週以後,身體內的螺旋體經由血液快速傳播開來,可遍及身體各組織器官,屬感染中期-散播性感染期(stage 2, disseminated infection);再經過數月甚至幾年以後,可能出現下列的症狀,如間歇性或慢性風濕性關節炎、慢性腦部病變、多發性神經炎以及四肢皮膚炎,此為疾病的末期-持續性感染期(stage 3, persistent infection)。雖然各個地區有其差異性,但是疾病本身之分期進展,於世界各地幾乎均相同。
萊姆氏螺旋體症(Lyme borreliosis)愈是早期診斷治療其效果愈佳,若病程進展愈是後期時,雖治療仍然有效,然其治療時間可能會拖的比較長,總之,大部分病患均能夠治癒。本病例是敘述一位三十五歲的女性病患,每當身體狀況不佳,疲憊及步行時間過久時,均容易引發手腳肌肉僵硬無力,且時間已長達十多年,上次住院時已經抽血檢測萊姆病抗體,結果顯示呈陽性反應,本文乃針對患者住院期間的治療情形與探討。
Lyme disease (LD) is the most commonly reported tick-borne infection in Europe and North American. The disease is a multi-system disorder which can affect a complex range of tissues including the skin, heart, nervous system, and a lesser extent the eyes, kidneys and liver.
Lyme borreliosis (LB), a tick-transmitted spirochetal illness, clinical manifestation usually begins with a characteristic expanding skin lesion, erythema migrans (EM; stage 1, localized infection). After several days or weeks, the spirochete may spread hematogenously to many different sites (stage 2, disseminated infection). Months to years later , intermittent or chronic arthritis, chronic encephalopathy or polyneurpathy, or acrodermatitis may develop (stage 3, persistent infection). Despite regional variation, the basic stages of the illness are similar worldwide.
The response to treatment is best early in the disease. Later treatment of lyme borreliosis is still effective, but convalescence may be longer. Eventually, most patients recover with minimal or no residual deficit. In this article we report 35-year-old female who suffered from upper and lower proximal muscle weakness and soreness when she was tired or walking too long for more than ten years. Last time when she admitted to our ward physician had checked lyme antibody and it revealed positive on IgM and IgG. Antibiotic therapy during her hospital study was discussed