

【原著】肺結核藥物治療成效與NAT2基因多型性 於臺灣特定縣市族群之探究
An investigation of therapeutic outcome of anti-tuberculosis and polymorphism of NAT2 gene in Taiwan aboriginals in some cities
臺灣族群、原住民、代謝酵素 基因多型性、肺結核、NAT2、Taiwan ethnic groups, aborigines, metabolizing enzyme genetic polymorphism, tuberculosis, NAT2
林慧玲Fe-Lin Lin Wu1.2.3 、郭錦樺Ching-Hua Kuo2.3 、陳宜君Yee-Chun Chen4.5 、黃惠玟Hui-Wen Huang2 、沈麗娟 Li-Jiuan Shen *1.2.3
1臺大醫學院臨床藥學研究所 、2臺大醫學院藥學系 、3臺大醫院藥劑部 、4臺大醫院內科部 、5臺大醫學院內科部
過去的研究結果顯示臺灣各族群對於藥 品 代 謝 酵 素  N-acetyl  transferase2  (NAT2)  的基因型 變異機率不同,排灣族高達 75%為 NAT2  緩慢代謝者,相較於閩、客族群的 38%及  32%   高出二倍左右,且與其他原住民族群間 NAT2基因的變異也不同,表示臺灣不同族群對於 NAT2  之酵素活性可能存在差異。藉由分析全國結核病患通報資料庫,利用藥品流行病學世代追蹤研究方法,以2002  至 2004  年衛生署疾病管制局全國結核病患通報系統登錄之新病患,篩選適當之原住民與非原住民為研究對象,比 較原住民 與非原住 民結 核病的發 生率、死亡情形及合理完治(12 個月內完成治療時程)的差異,並觀察原住民結核病案例前四位之縣市間,原住民與非原住民之合理完治比例,以觀察 NAT2基 因多型性 與結核病 治療 成效的關連性。自 2002 年、2003 年、至 2004 年,非 原 住 民 之 合 理 完 治 比 率 分 別 為69.7%、76.4%、及 85.5%,但是原住民合 理 完治 比例 僅為  3.4% 、 16.7% 、 及70.4%;原住民罹患疾病人數排名前四大的縣市(花蓮縣、南投縣、臺東縣、及屏東縣)中,其中非原住民之合理完治在這些縣市比例相當(66.8%-78.5%),但原住民於相對縣市之合理完治比例差異甚大(25%-66.7%),以臺東縣為 25%最低,相對的屏東縣為 66.7%,而屏東縣原住民有 81%為排灣族,臺東縣原住民僅有 20%為排灣族。本研究藉由資料庫分析,觀察到不同縣市之原住民之合理完治比例顯著不同,這僅是運用流行病學之方法,所得之初步結論,未來期能接續本研究所得的初步結論,進行實際臨床觀察與評估。
Various incidences of a drug-metabolizing enzyme, N-acetyl transferase (NAT2), genetic polymorphisms in  Taiwan  ethnic  groups  were observed in our previous study. In Paiwan tribe,75% of the studied people were NAT2 slow acetylators which was about 2-fold higher than the Minnan and Hakka groups, 38% and 32%, respectively. The differences were also observed within other aboriginal groups. It indicated the enzyme activity of NAT2 may be various within Taiwan’s ethnic groups and subsequently influence the therapeutic outcome of the pharmacotherapy. Using  the  method  of  cohort study in epidemiology, we retrieved the data from Taiwan’s national tuberculosis-patient reporting system during 2002-2004 and further analyzed the incidence of tuberculosis and therapeutic outcome of anti-tuberculosis treatment in aboriginal and general populations, respectively. The percentages of the reasonable treatment course (within 12 months) in the reported general population in 2002, 2003, and 2004 were 69.7%,76.4%, and 85.5%, respectively. However, they were 3.4%, 16.7%, and 70.4% in the aboriginal population in the correspondent years. Among the 4 counties, Hualien County, Natou County, Taitung County, and Pingtung County, with the greatest amount of reported aboriginal cases, a significant variation in the reasonable treatment course was found within the geographic areas. The lowest percentage of reasonable treatment course in aboriginal areas was 25% in Taitung County where 20% of the aboriginal residents were Paiwan population. On the contrary, 66.7% of the reported aboriginal cases in Pingtung County  where  81%  of  the  aboriginal residents were Paiwan population finished their treatment courses within 12 months. In conclusion, although the therapeutic outcome of pharmacotherapy in aboriginal population may be interfered with cultures, the accessibility to the medical resources, environments, and customs, etc., the effect of the genetic  polymorphisms  of  NAT2  on  treatment outcome should be considered.