

【案例報告】Oseltamivir 引起神經精神相關副作用之案例報告
Oseltamivir Induced Neuropsychiatric Adverse Events: A Case Report
oseltamivir、副作用、神經精神相關不良反應、Oseltamivir, side effect, neuropsycharitic adverse events
蕭詩如Shih-Ju Hsiao 、林秋華Chiu-Hua Lin 、王堯顯Jao-Hsien Wang
1高雄健仁醫院 藥劑科 、2高雄健仁醫院 感染內科
本案例是一位90 歲女性,因為A 型流感使用oseltamivir,服藥後隔天開始出現意識混亂、行為怪異和躁動不安之情況,停藥後2 天精神狀態逐漸改善,因此懷疑是oseltamivir所引起之副作用。依據文獻查證指出,兒童和青少年較常被報導使用oseltamivir 引起神經精神相關不良反應。本文藉由此案例回顧oseltamivir 引起精神相關不良反應之文獻,並提醒醫療人員需小心監測病人服藥後不尋常行為之徵兆,以即時減少嚴重不良反應發生造成之傷害。
This is a case of 90-year-old woman with influenza A infection and under the treatment of oseltamivir. After one day of medication, the patient became delirium, behavioral disturbance and agitation. The mental status was gradually improved within 2 days after the last dose of oseltamivir. We suspected these behaviors in this case were due to oseltamivir adverse reaction. Reportedly, such neuropsycharitic adverse events were more common in children than in adults. In this article, we conducted a literature review about the neuropsychiatric adverse events in influenza patients treated with oseltamivir. Clinicians should be aware of such psycho side effect and monitor patients’ behavior or psychiatric symptoms when patients starting on this medication to avoid future injury to patients.