

【原著】Metformin 於門診糖尿病病患使用安全性評估
Evaluation of Metfonnin Use in Type 2 Diabetic Outpatients
庫魯化錠、第二型糖尿病、雙胍類口服降血醣藥物、磺醯尿素類口服降 血醣藥物、乳酸中毒、Metformin, biguanide oral hypoglycemic agent, type 2 diabetes, sulfonylureas, lactic acidosis
莊美華Mei-Hua Chuang 、蕭竹賀Cbu-He Hsiao 、林俊龍Chin-Lon Lin 、張菁文Ching-Wen Chang
Metformin(庫魯化錠)是用來治療第二型糖尿病的雙胍類(biguanide)口服降血醣藥物。Metformin 比磺醯尿素類(sulfonylureas)口服降血糖藥具有不造成低血糖、不增加體重及血中胰島素過高等臨床優勢。因為這些優勢,metformin 在門診常被廣泛使用。然而,metformin 在許多慢性缺氧疾病狀態(如:心血管、肝、腎、肺疾病及年老等)的使用時,可能會增加病患乳酸中毒的機率而被視為使用禁忌。國外文獻中許多的案例報告也陸續指出,嚴謹的使用規範必須確實執行以避免這種嚴重的藥物不良反應發生。本文根據台灣南部某區域教學醫院門診目前metformin 於門診病患的使用經驗,探討其使用安全性結果。
Metformin  is a biguanide  oral  hypoglycemic agent used  to lower blood  glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.  Metformin has certain  clinical  advantages  over sulfonylureas  because  it does not cause hypoglycemia,  nor does it  promote  weight gain or hyperinsulinemia. Therefore,  metformin  is widely  used  for type 2 diabetic  patients, particularly in outpatient clinics.  Metformin, however, is thought to increase the risk of lactic  acidosis,  and  is  considered   to  be  contraindicated  in  many  chronic  hypoxemic conditions  that  may  be  associated  with  lactic  acidosis? such  as  cardiovascular,  renal, hepatic  and pulmonary  disease,  and advancing  age.  Here we report and discuss  the use of metformin, based on the experience from the outpatient clinic of a regional  teaching hospital  in southern Taiwan.