

Research of Assisted Reproductive Technology and Bisexual Infertility
不孕症、協助生殖技術、顯微操作、infertility, assisted reproductive technology (ART), micromanipulation
黃柏燈Huang Bo-Deng*
眾所皆知,我國正邁向高齡化與少子化之趨勢,更由於重度疾病如癌症等後遺症或性觀念開放之過早意外懷孕或晚婚及生育年齡延遲等社會與家庭問題導致這些不孕困擾與遺憾。為深入探究男女個別與共同因子衍生及其所涵蓋的原發與續發性不孕等候選族群,以及試管嬰兒中心如何善用各項適切藥物,佐以現代輔助受孕科技幫助他們解決面臨的異常妊娠不孕問題等症候群,早期診斷與擬定治療策略的研究實為重要,更是臨床藥學工作者應深入認知且不可輕忽的課題。探究結合治療不孕症之科技、藝術與巧思所研發的成果即人工協助生殖技術(assisted reproductivetechnology, ART),包含臨床醫藥科技與藥理、生理、病理等基礎醫理知識的結晶,涵蓋精子銀行、子宮內人工授精、試管嬰兒、配子輸卵管植入和受精卵輸卵管植入、顯微操作包括精卵注射、輔助孵化(assisted hatching, AHA)與發掘精蟲潛藏的睪丸切片、副睪位置多重切片、卵子捐贈與冷凍保存等各項克服阻礙生育過程的醫藥治療計劃。隨著各種新藥問世普及並廣為實用後,配合今日 ART 高度進展明顯更有益於輔助受孕進步與成功,針對不孕夫婦提供更多選擇機會與治療成效即本文探究緣由。

    As far as an infertile patient is concerned, during the process which he (she) fights with his (her) sickness, despite the medicine of treatment, the assisted reproductive technology (ART) may play an important role in the gradually aged society. The reasons why we think so are that many diseases inclusive of cancerous lesions or early or late pregnancy induced infertility make more and more social and familial problems today. Luckily, in vitro fertilization (IVF) centers improve and change theses conditions by ART and medical-pharmacological cooperation. Analysis of infertile prevalence and incidence of individual 89 nations by WHO reveals that at least 8 to 10% and up to 66% pandemic family suffers from this disease in the world and endemic more than 15% in Taiwanese race. Therefore, discussion of bisexual factors induced primarily and secondarily infertile groups and how to solve these abnormal syndromes by early diagnosis and treatment strategy of ART regimen nowadays is not only important but also significant topic in clinical pharmacy.