

【原著】「全國小學生正確用藥教育—無藥的青少年」— 以2004年第二學期課後評量之問卷分析
The Drug-Free-Adolescent Drive via Education at the Elementary Schools—Outcomes Evaluation through the Post-class Survey in Taichung (the second semester in 2004)
青少年、全國小學生、藥學系學生、藥學知識、Adolescent, the elementary school students, pharmacy students, pharmaceutical knowledge
侯曼貞Mann-Jen Hour1 、連金城Jin-Cherng Lien2 、鄭慧文Hui-Wen Cheng3 、劉正雄Cheng-Hsiung Liu1 、蔡輝彥Huei-Yann Tsai4 、賴振榕Chen-Jung Lai*4,5
1中國醫藥大學藥學系 、2中國醫藥大學藥物化學研究所 、3臺北醫學大學藥學系 、4中國醫大學附設院劑部 、5中國醫藥大學中國藥研究所
        2003 年衛生署籌畫「全國小學生正確用藥教育—無藥的青少年」執行計畫,乃結合全國七所藥學系老師及藥學生們的熱忱,為台灣民眾的正確用藥知識教育往下紮根而努力,中國醫藥大學藥學系負責中區計畫之執行。
        2004 年第二學期的教學計畫係參考第一學期的成效分析結果而擬定的。教學內容方面,包括領藥時之注意事項、依照藥袋指示服藥、正確儲存藥物方法、感冒不一定要打針、忘記服藥時該怎麼辦、藥物過敏時該怎麼辦以及抗生素的正確使用等觀念,並增加「毒藥物防治」之宣導,例如:藥物濫用的原因及搖頭丸、搖腳丸、液態快樂丸、K 他命、安非他命等毒品之毒性,以期真正達到「無藥青少年」的宗旨;本期教學計畫為能讓更多的中部小學生也有機會接受正確用藥教育,因此我們增加小學教學數目及擴展至距離本校較遠的小學來進行教學。
        本計畫招募藥學系三或四年級共 24 位學生,經培訓後成為種子講師,以一個小時的生動活潑、角色扮演的互動式教學方式,完成台中地區七所小學共 2169 位六年級生的正確用藥教育。教學之後並收集小學生課後評量、小學教師課後評量及講員課後評量問卷作為教學成效分析依據。
        經統計分析後,小學生課後評量部分,用藥知識問題的回答正確率達 97%以上;93%的學生表示在本次上課後,對於藥物的正確使用方法有了更多的瞭解;97%的學生表示會把本次上課所學的用藥常識告訴家中長輩或是朋友同學;95%的學生表示會使用本次贈送的「不要吃錯藥—藥物實體辨識系統光碟」來幫助自己或家人。本校藥學生以活潑短劇式、互動式教學令學生印象深刻。
        綜觀 2004 年第一、二學期的評量結果,第二學期增加「毒藥物防治」之宣導,且計畫教學目標數為第一學期的 1.95 倍,因此本學期的執行成效的質與量方面皆有明顯提升。

    In 2003, the Department of Health (DOH) launched the campaign, Drug-Free- Adolescent Drive, combining the education recourses of seven pharmacy schools, to equip the people in Taiwan with accurate general medication-use knowledge while they are young. The part of the program in Taichung was implemented by China Medical University. 
    The program of the second semester in 2004 was modified according to the recommendations of the first semester. In addition to the general knowledge of self-care and safe use of medication, we added some common sense of drug abuse prevention, such as the causes of drug-abuse and the toxicity of MDMA, LSD, GHB, ketamine, amphetamine, etc. We also increased the numbers of elementary school enrolled and expanded to the rural area to increase the extent of influence.
   This project enrolled 7 elementary schools with 2169 participating 6th grade students in Taichung. A total of 24 students from the 3rd and 4th year pharmacy students were recruited and trained as seed lecturers to give an-hour speech to the elementary school students through a role play-based interactive program. Short term acceptance and long term effectiveness of this project will be evaluated through both post-class survey and drug use behavior tracking.
    Post-class test for elementary school students showed that more than 97% of students answered the drug-use problems correctly, 93% of students had more knowledge in safe-use of medication, 97% of students would like to deliver the common sense of drug-use to their family or friends, and 95% of students would use the information from CD of drug recognition system to take care themselves and their family. They were impressed by the vivid and vigorous teaching. 
    In the post-class survey, elementary school teachers considered the program meaningful and could be used as supplementary teaching material. Finally, in the post-class survey, pharmacy students as lecturers indicated that this program favored the enthusiasm for pharmaceutical care. All of them considered the teaching and learning promote and enhance each other. The program enhanced their pharmaceutical knowledge and is a good training for communication skill. Participation of these pharmacy students is not only crucial to the success of this project but also serves as an establishment of their professionalism. 
    To make a comprehensive survey of the project outcomes in 2004, the additional drug-abuse prevention was added to our course in the second semester, and the numbers of elementary school students enrolled was 1.95 times of those in the first semester. In conclusion, the quality and quantity of effects are promoted in the second semester.