

Investigation and Evaluation of Adverse Drug Reactions in a Hospital Center
藥物不良反應型態、Naranjo algorithm、藥物不良反應評估
何志豪Chi-Hou Ho*1 、曾綉惠Hsiu-Hui Tseng2 、陳麗芳Agnes L.F. Chan3
1財團法人奇美醫院藥劑部 、2高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院藥劑部 、3財團法人奇美醫院藥劑部
藥物不良反應(ADR)因而導致病人住院甚至死亡之案例時有發生。這不但對患者之健康構成威脅,更進一步造成龐大之醫療支出。因此,本院自民國 91  年  1 月 至  93  年  12  月約三年期間,共收集了 564  個藥物不良反應案例(此 564  個案例包括了因藥物不良反應而住院及住院中發生不良反應之案例)。並分析各病例之住院天數、醫療及藥物支出、造成不良反應之藥物及類型和受傷害之器官等資料進行分析評估。結果發現因藥物不良反應而住院之病患,約佔 7.6%;而平均住院天數為 11.8 天;平均之醫療費用約 87769 元。由此可見,藥物不良反應不論對病人或醫院都必造成嚴重影響。為此期盼以此評估結果作為日後加強院內藥物使用監測之依據,減少醫療負擔及可預期藥物不良反應之發生。

Adverse drug reaction sometimes causes patients the admission of patients to hospital and even causes their deaths later on. This not only causes threats to the patients’ health, but also leads to their great medical expenditure. Owing to this, the hospital has collected 564 cases of adverse drug reaction from January 91 to December 93 for 3 years (These 564 cases include those who were admitted to the hospital due to adverse drug reaction and those that came about while in the hospital.) We have evaluated the following factors including the number of days being hospitalized; expenditure on medical services and drugs taken; the type of drugs that cause these adverse effects and the possible organs that could have been damaged. The results showed that 7.6% of the patients were admitted to the hospital for 11.8 days due to adverse drug reaction. Their average medical expenditure was approximately $87769. This proves that adverse drug reaction brings serious effects on both the patients and the hospital. Thus, it is expected that this analysis can be used to monitor the appropriate use of drugs in future; so as to reduce medical expenses and the occurrence of any anticipated adverse drug reaction.