

Suspected Hyperkalemia Caused by Spironolactone in Heart Failure Patient - A Case report
心臟衰竭、血管張力素轉換抑制劑、高血鉀症、heart failure, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, hyperkalemia
李嘉惠Chia-Hui Lee*1 、蔡春玉Chun-Yu Tsai2 、鄧新棠 Shin-Tarng Deng1
1長庚紀念醫院 藥劑部 、2長庚紀念醫院 林口藥劑科
Aldosterone 在心臟衰竭的疾病生理學機轉中扮演非常重要的角色,aldosterone會促使心臟衰竭惡化增加死亡率。 Randomized  Aldosterone  Evaluation  Study(RALES)臨床試驗結果報告之後,spironolactone 被廣泛應用在心臟衰竭病人身 上,但由於不適當的使用及未密切監測病人的生化數據,使得病人因為高血鉀的罹 病率及死亡率增加,本文即報告一名患有慢性腎衰竭及糖尿病的病人在服 用 spironolactone 治療心臟衰竭後發生高血鉀症(hyperkalemia)。

Aldosterone is known to be important in the pathophysiology of heart failure. It could contribute to the progression of heart failure and increasing mortality. With the report from the Randomized Aldosterone Evaluation Study (RALES), the widespread use of spironolactone to improved survival rate for patients with heart failure. However, most of the clinicians use spironolactone frequently than as recommended without providing sufficient intensive follow-up, resulting in increases the rate of hyperkalemia-associated morbidity and mortality. We report a case of hyperkalemia caused by spironolactone for heart failure.