

Contests of Evidence-Based Medicine for the Glory of Pharmacists
實證醫學、競賽、藥師、Contests, Evidence-Based Medicine, Pharmacists
毛志民Pili Chih-Min Mao1,2 、鍾美英Mei-Ing Chung1,*
1高雄醫學大學藥學系 、2高雄榮民總醫院藥學部
    財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會(醫策會)與國家衛生研究院(國衛院)自2006 年起合辦全國實證醫學競賽屆滿十年,本文回顧競賽緣起、演進、辦法及醫院藥師的參賽表現,藥師獲獎人數逐年增加;整體觀之,藥師占所有獲獎者比率約25% ~ 32%,其中又以「用藥組」獲獎者比率最高(約六成左右),足以證明藥師重視實證醫學的教育和訓練,希冀競賽時的傑出表現,也能夠妥適運用於藥事照護。

    Since 2006, Taiwan Joint Commission of Hospital Accreditation (TJCHA) has introduced evidence-based medicine (EBM) contests with collaboration of National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) for ten years. We review the origins, history, and practices of the EBM contests, including the performance of hospital pharmacists. Pharmacists win the contests more and more every year, accounting for 25% to 32% of the items won. Among the contests items, “Medicine for clinical practice” is most frequently won by hospital pharmacists with the winning percentage of appropriate 60%, indicating the education and training of EBM are thoroughly implemented for hospital pharmacists. These accreditation awards could prove pharmacists accepting EBM education and training are implemented. We hope that the outstanding performance of pharmacists during the EBM contests would lead to a more complete pharmaceutical care.