

Analysis of the Use of -Blockers in Patients with Heart Failure
心衰竭、-blocker、處方率、用藥分析、heart failure (HF), -blocker, prescription rate, analysis of prescription.
張秀美Chang H. M 、張文瑜Chang W. Y 、李亮儀Lee L. Y 、謝佳蓉Hsieh C. J 、陳秀珊Chen H. S
1高雄市立小港醫院(委託高雄醫學大學經營) 藥劑科
心衰竭是常見老年慢性疾病,其人口盛行率約2%,過去研究皆顯示-blocker的使用可顯著降低心衰竭的死亡率及住院率;故本研究希望了解目前本院對心衰竭病患於住院期間及出院後之-blocker處方情形。本研究以回溯性分析,收集2004年1月至12月間其主診斷為心衰竭(ICD 9 428.0, 428.1, 428.9)之住院病患,共123位。由研究結果顯示,本院病患無論住院或出院時-blocker之處方率與病患是否為-blocker適用者並無相關性,而併有呼吸道疾病者會明顯降低-blocker處方率;本院心衰竭病患處方-blocker比率在住院期間為35.8%,出院時為30.1%,出院追蹤6個月顯示病患的回診率呈明顯下降趨勢,整體-blocker用藥選擇以carvedilol為主。本研究建議藥師應積極介入心衰竭病患處方-blocker之適當性評估並加強不良反應監測、用藥指導與出院後之用藥追蹤,期能提昇病患用藥之配合度及降低疾病死亡率。

Heart failure (HF) is a common chronic disease in the elderly and the prevalence of HF is approximately 2% of world population. Previous studies have indicated that the therapy of -blockers reduces significantly the rate of mortality and hospitalization in patients with HF. This study focused on gaining an insight into the prescribed use of -blockers in HF patients during the hospitalization and at hospital discharge. Based on a retrospective analysis, a sample of the anamneses of 123 patients with a main diagnosis of HF (ICD 9 428.0, 428.1, 428.9) collecting from Jan. to Dec. 2004 was examined in this study. The result showed that the -blockers prescription rate is not significantly correlated with patients who were ideal for the -blocker therapy at the time of hospitalization as well as discharge from hospital. Patients who combined with respiratory disease were reduced significantly the prescription rate of -blockers. The -blockers prescription rate for HF patients is 35.8% during their hospitalization and 30.1% at discharge. The revisiting rate reduced significantly during the first six months follow-up treatment after discharge. The primary drug choice of -blockers is carvedilol. This study concluded that the pharmacist should play an active role in evaluating the prescribed use of -blockers in HF patients, monitoring the adverse drug reactions, providing counsel to patients on drug uses, tracing patients’ drug use after discharge and improving patient’s adherence, thereby reducing the morbidity and mortality of HF patients.