

Management of Ischemic Stroke with Idarucizumab and Systemic Thrombolysis:Case Report
Idarucizumab、血栓溶解劑、缺血性中風、Idarucizumab, Thrombolysis, Ischemic Stroke
蕭詩立Shih-Li Hsiao1 、曾愉婷Yu-Ting Tseng1 、沈雅敏Ya-Mi Shen1 、蕭詩如Shih-Ju Hsiao*2
1東元綜合醫院藥劑部 、2健仁醫院藥劑科
2015 年10 月由美國食品藥物管理局核准的idarucizumab 是一種單株抗體可以快速地和dabigatran 結合並反轉其抗凝血作用。本案例報告為先以idarucizumab 反轉dabigatran 的藥效後,再給與靜脈血栓溶解劑治療急性缺血性中風的經驗。該治療於此個案是可行的、沒有產生出血或其他併發症。本案例可提供本土急性缺血性中風病人一個較新的治療參考。

The novel approved agent idarucizumab, a monoclonal antibody fragment, binds dabigatran immediately to reverse its anticoagulative effects. We reported the experience of intravenous thrombolysis therapy in an acute ischemic stroke after dabigatran reversal with idarucizumab. The treatment was feasible and no hemorrhage or complications were observed. This case represents a new therapeutic paradigm for acute ischemic stroke.