

Nonoliguric Acute Renal Failure Associated with Celecoxib — Case Report
Celecoxib、非寡尿性急性腎衰竭、可逆性、celecoxib, nonoliguric acute renal failure, reversible
毛乾泰Chien-Tai Mao 、鄧新棠Shin-Tarng Deng
1林口長庚紀念醫院 藥劑部
本文報告71歲女性病患使用celecoxib引起非寡尿性急性腎衰竭的案例,其病史包括高血壓、多發性栓塞性中風、右側偏癱、慢性腎功能不全及痛風性關節炎。門診治療用藥有aspirin、allopurinol、magnesium、sennoside、enalapril及celecoxib。於celecoxib使用每日200 mg 10天後,病患出現血鉀及血液肌酐酸增加至少2倍以上的非寡尿性急性腎衰竭。Celecoxib停藥後腎功能雖有改善,但仍未能恢復至原先的基準。選擇性環氧化酶-2抑制劑(cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors)celecoxib可能會導致可逆性之非寡尿性急性腎衰竭或高血鉀,特別是在高危險群的病患。雖在停藥後腎功能會改善,但不一定會恢復至原本的狀態。

We report a case of nonoliguric acute renal failure associated with celecoxib therapy. A 71-year-old woman with underlying hypertension, recent multiple infarctions with right hemisphere, chronic renal insufficiency, and gouty arthritis was treated with aspirin, allopurinol, magnesium, sennoside, enalapril and celecoxib. Ten days after celecoxib 200 mg/day therapy, she developed nonoliguric acute renal failure with increased serum potassium, and serum creatinine at least two-fold. After celecoxib was discontinued, her renal function improved but had not returned to baseline. 