

The Source and Reaction to Job Stress of the Hospital Pharmacists in Yun-Lin and Chia-Yi Counties
藥師、工作壓力、感受頻次、壓力反應、pharmacists, job stress, frequency, stress reaction
曾美容Mei-Jung Tseng1 、洪正芳 Cheng-Fang Hung2
1財團法人天主教若瑟醫院 藥劑科 、2國立雲林科技大學 工業工程管理研究所
1.    在37項壓力源中,中等壓力以上的只有怕調劑錯誤而造成醫療糾紛、怕調劑錯而給病人及藥品更換頻繁3題項。壓力感受度前五名與性別、年齡、小孩數目、年資、醫院屬性及醫院層級有關。總壓力感受度介於輕微與中等壓力之間。
2.    從主成份分析的構面觀之,不管是壓力感受度、感受頻次以及趨避意向反應,均以「安全感」的平均分數為最高。
3.    工作滿意度只與個人屬性中的職位成低度正相關。
4.    趨避意向各構面與性別、學歷、醫院屬性及醫院層級有顯著差異。藥師的趨避意向多數偏向接受現況與謀求改善。
BACKGROUND:There are many factors contributing to medication errors. A combination of these factors may cause job stress, nervousness, and distraction that would affect the dispensing accuracy. METHOD:This research was conducted by taking the questionnaires from hospital pharmacists and interims in Yun-Lin and Chia-Yi counties. In all, 320 questionnaires were sent to 37 district and 8 regional hospital’s pharmacists, and 277 were returned. The response rate is 86.56%. We measured the job stress scores, the frequency, the intent to avoid stress and the job satisfaction. RESULTS:Our findings are:
1.    The fear of medication error that causes medical dispute, fear of dispensing wrong medicine and frequently changed medicine are the only three items out of 37 sources of stress recorded medium and above scale. The top five sources of job stress are correlated with sex, age, children number, service year, characteristic and level of a hospital. The total stress scores range between low and medium. 
2.    The sense of secure scored the highest in principal component analysis in terms of magnitude of feeling stress, frequency and the intent to avoid stress.
3.    The job satisfaction has no significant difference among personal factors except position which has low positive correlation.
4.    Significant differences with intent to avoid stress are correlated with sex, educational level, characteristic and level of hospitals. The intent of avoiding stress for pharmacists is leaning toward accepting status quo and looking for improvement.