

【專題報導】以美國臨床藥學會 (ACCP) 臨床藥師能力標準作為發展臨床藥師的專業基準
Professional Development of a Clinical Pharmacist by Benchmarking ACCP Competencies
美國臨床藥學會、臨床藥師、能力標準、藥事照護、American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacist, Competency, Pharmaceutical Care
余自成Zi-Cheng Yu1 、王慧瑜Hue-Yu Wang2,*
1上海同濟大學附屬楊浦醫院藥學部 、2奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院藥劑部
美國臨床藥學會 (American College of Clinical Pharmacy, ACCP) 於2017 年5 月頒布更新版的「ACCP 臨床藥師能力標準」及ACCP 臨床藥師能力評估範本」,闡明對臨床藥師核心能力六大面向的要求;臺灣臨床藥學會歷年來不遺餘力的推展臨床藥學工作,2018 年在中華民國藥師公會全國聯合會等三會聯合提案下,將於「全民健康保險重症加護臨床藥事照護」方案中新增「臨床藥事照護」給付項目,期能在衛生福利部中央健康保險署適當的預算下提供臨床藥師在藥事照護上的專業給付;中國近年對臨床藥學發展的積極度亦有目共睹,已將「ACCP 臨床藥師能力標準」翻譯成簡體中文,提供當地相關人士參考。可知無論發展先後,臨床藥學在不同國度皆持續進行相當程度的推展與改善。本文參考原文與簡體中文版本進行轉譯轉載於本雜誌,目的之一為提供繁體中文之「ACCP 臨床藥師能力標準」,作為國內持續發展臨床藥事照護或制定藥事照護給付方案之參考,其二為藉此模式拉起臺海兩岸之學術交流,期許臺灣在為臨床藥學努力的同時,亦能與彼岸激起良性的互動。
With the purpose of advancing human health by extending the frontiers of clinical pharmacy and ensuring clinical pharmacists possessing the six requirements for clinical pharmacists’ core competencies, American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Clinical Pharmacist Competencies and ACCP Template for Evaluating a Clinical Pharmacist were published by ACCP in May, 2017. The item of clinical pharmaceutical care is added to the scope of benefits of the National Health Insurance after continuous promotion under the joint proposal of the Taiwan Pharmacist Association (TPA) and other 2 associations, aiming to improve the quality of pharmaceutical care by offering the pay for performance. The professionalism and continuing professional development of clinical pharmacy in China have become obvious in recent years and the healthcare authority has offered Mandarin Chinese versioned ACCP Clinical Pharmacist Competencies to all the practitioners to ensure that these competencies guide clinical pharmacists’ professional development and evaluation by educational institutions. This article aims to provide Traditional Chinese versioned ACCP Clinical Pharmacist Competencies with the references of original and Mandarin Chinese versioned competencies as a reference for Taiwan’s continuous of clinical pharmaceutical care or the development of a pharmaceutical care payment scheme, and to promote positive cross-strait academic exchange and interaction.