

A Preliminary Investigation of Pharmaceutical Home Care Services in a Community-Based Hospital
藥事居家訪視,用藥安全,用藥指導、Pharmaceutical Home Care Services, Medication Safety, Patient Counseling
方喬玲Chiao Ling Fang1 、趙瑩Ying Zhao1 、吳淑娟Shu-Chuan Wu1 、陳立奇Lih-Chi Chen2,3,4,5,*
1臺北市立聯合醫院仁愛院區藥劑科 、2臺北市立聯合醫院藥劑部 、3臺北市立聯合醫院跨醫事領域發展中心 、4國立聯合大學通識教育中心 、5臺北醫學大學藥學院
方法:本計畫自2014 年6 月1 日至11 月30 日止,由本院藥師輪流至病人家中進行居家藥事服務,紀錄及評估病人的用藥情形、治療成效,與醫師討論並提供適切的建議,增進病人用藥安全。
結果:共收案235 人完成281 次訪視,訪視後共提出678 項專業建議,建議的內容以提供疾病自我照顧之指導與建議、處方問題評估建議、提供用藥知識及藥物使用指導等項目為主。本研究發現藥師訪視建議事項中,教育程度國中者對「用藥知識及藥物使用之指導」需求比例高於不識字、國小及高中 (p = 0.006);教育程度國中以下者對「用藥技巧及增加配合度」需求比率較高 (p = 0.003)、年齡 < 75 歲者對「疾病自我照顧之指導及建議」需求比率較高 (p = 0.002)。受訪個案對藥師訪視滿意度回答「滿意」及「非常滿意」占80.5%,74.5% 的個案覺得藥師訪視對其「有幫助」。
Objective: Medication Safety is a primary patient safety goal. The elderly, social vulnerable people are high risk groups of adverse drug events due to age and higher incidences of chronic disease, multiple medication use, improper medication behavior and usually have followed in many different hospitals. This study is aimed to evaluate the necessary of home pharmaceutical care services for patients.
Methods: The study started from June to November, 2014, and pharmacists participated in to provide home pharmaceutical care services, including evaluation the appropriateness of drug use, the outcomes of the treatment, and then providing proper interventions to patients and physicians.
Result: Totally, 281 visits were completed for 235 patients enrolled and 678 pharmaceutical care interventions were made. The top three types of interventions were: providing self-care knowledge to patients, drug-related problems identifications and suggestions and providing medicine information and education in medication use. Analyzing the need of different interventions and relationship of patients characteristics, The significant correlations were found that patients of junior high school educational level did need administration skills education (p = 0.003), and those < 75 year-old did need self-care knowledge providing (p = 0.002). When compared the pharmacist’s intervention requirement of different educational level, we found the group of junior high school showed the higher proportion with requirement of medicine information and education in medication than those of illiterate, elementary school or high school group (p = 0.006).  
Through this study, we established the model of home pharmaceutical care services, identified and resolved numerous drug-related problems, provided personal medication therapy management, thus pharmacists intervention is beneficial for home-care patients with chronic diseases.