

Role of the pharmacist in the Diabetes Disease Management Program
糖尿病、疾病管理、藥師、diabetes, disease management, pharmacists
林梅芳Mei-Fang Lin1 、蔡斌智Pin-Chin Tsai1 、許杏如Sin-Ru Shu2
1財團法人義大醫院藥劑科 、2台南市立醫院藥劑科
糖尿病為台灣常見的慢性病之一,其盛行率逐年攀升。糖尿病常導致併發症的發生如眼睛失明及腎臟衰竭等,糖尿病儼然成為十大死亡原因中的第四位。近年來,行政院衛生署計畫推動由醫師、營養師、護理師為主導的糖尿病疾病管理(disaease management),預期建立一個有效率的糖尿病照護模式,但藥師並未能積極參與其中。經由文獻回顧發現,藥師參與糖尿病照護,教導病患正確用藥觀念及方式,可以增加糖尿病患對藥物的認知及避免許多藥物相關問題的發生,進而改善病患血糖控制。

Diabetes is one of the chronic disease commonly found among the general population in Taiwan. Its prevalence has been increasing over the years. Diabetes was the leading cause of new cases of blindness and end-stage renal disease and the fourth-leading cause of death in the Taiwan. Therefore, the Department of Health recently introduced an initiative “disease management” which is a patient-centered program operated with a term consisted of physicians, dieticians and nurses. It is hoped that this initiative can improve the quality of diabetes care. However, pharmacists involvement is not mandatory in the program. We found that patient education operated by pharmacists can improve diabetic patients in their understanding of their medications, identify found drug-related problems from them, and improve glycemic control.