

The Evaluation of the Development of Collaborative Health Empowerment Model to Elevate Correct Medication Knowledge and Ability of Old Population in Community -- A Case Study on Rural Communities
協同式健康培力模式、社區老人、正確用藥知能、Collaborative Health Empowerment Model, Old Population in Community, Correct Medication Knowledge and Ability
陳憲煜Hsien-Yu Chen*1 、謝聖哲Sheng-Che Hsieh2 、黃勝春Sheng-Chuen Huang3 、張申朋Shen-Peng Chang1 、江庭如Ting-Ju Chiang1 、鄭淨黛Ching-Tai Cheng1
1奇美醫療財團法人柳營奇美醫院藥劑部 、2嘉南藥理大學社會工作系 、3奇美醫療財團法人柳營奇美醫院社會服務部
目的: 本研究希望透過結合社區力量與藥事服務資源,利用既有的社區組織之志願服務人力,結合在地社區的健康資源提供多元化的藥事照護服務,加強民眾用藥認知與行為。
方法: 本研究將採用單案研究設計法,研究工具為「健康行為與正確用藥知能問卷」。運用時間序列設計的邏輯,用以評估健康培力方案對社區老人的影響,針對正確用藥知能的特定指標進行重複測量,在方案介入之前進行前測,作為控制階段的基線期,與方案介入階段的後測及後後測結果進行比較,觀察改變的趨勢。
結果: 本研究共計87 人完成三階段調查,在用藥知識方面,參與者在「看病時應向醫師說明哪些事項」及「以何種管道取得藥品的行為」上呈現較長時間的正確認知;在「核對藥袋上的內容」方面,除了「藥品名稱和外觀」外,其餘項目在後測時無法顯著提升正確認知,但在後後測時,除了「藥品保存期限與保存方法外」外,其餘項目皆能顯著提升正確認知。
結論: 運用社區健康營造模式能有效提升老年人正確用藥的知能,但無法同時於各面向呈現較長時間顯著成效,惟提升「資訊連結力」及「資訊解讀力」應可有效提升老年人用藥知識與效能。
Object: The study expects to combine the community power and pharmaceutical service, and uses of existing volunteers of community organizations with the health resources of local communities to provide a wide range of pharmaceutical care services and strengthening the cognition and behavior of medication usage of old population in community.
Methods: A single-case designs method was used, and the research tool is “The questionnaire of health behavior and knowledge and ability of medication usage.” Using time-series design to assess the impact of health empowerment program for old population of the community, and specific indicators for the correct medication knowledge and ability was measured repeatedly.
Results: A total of 87 people complete three stages survey. In the aspect of “medication usage knowledge,” the results showed that the participants have a longer duration with correct cognition in “what kind of things should you tell to the physician when you go to see a doctor” and “in what way you get the drug.” In the aspect of “check the label on the drug bag,” the correct cognition of most items can not significantly be enhanced at post-test in addition to “drug name and appearance,” but the correct cognition of most items can significantly be enhanced at post-post-test in addition to “the shelf life and preservation methods of drug.”
Conclusions: The use of collaborative health empowerment model can effectively enhance correct medication knowledge and ability of old population in community, but it can not present a long time significant effect in each aspect.